[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190917/bd5a8fef6aa6b2f8329c0dbba8a264bd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/efPPgp0.png?1[/img] "[color=E1557D]A star hunt.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Valoran City International Hospital [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Ahri couldn't help but smile as she was sat back down on the hospital bed, "[color=E1557D]I don't know, I suggest we find out who that is first, and with our luck, maybe this person will end up in the academy.[/color]" Said Ahri, though with her being incredibly weak she was still pretty optimistic. Her eyes filled with determination but her body can't aid her yet. Ahri looked at the clock on the wall, it read [i]2AM[/i] so it was pretty late. Time goes fast when you're in deep space, last she checked the time it was only 9PM. She laid back down on her bed and said "[color=E1557D]I might be out of school for a few days, so Sarah-[/color]" Sarah then stepped forward "[color=FB8035]Yeah cap'?[/color]" Ahri then announced "[color=E1557D]She'll be your temporary leader till I'm back on my feet, I suggest you this time to find out who that is, how hard can finding purple first star energy be? I mean, we found Syndra, and look at her, she's... Urrr... Purple.[/color]" Said Ahri, Sarah just let out a quick chuckled at that and stood up straight, taking on the role of leader. "[color=E1557D]You lot can sleep at my place since it's the closest. My window should still be open and no one should see you fly in, so please, get some rest, and I'll see you all here after school, alright? Oh, Rakan you can stay too, just please don't do anything anything inappropriate in my house, I'd rather not see... Juices... When I black light clean the house.[/color]" Sarah nodded in response and opened the door to the hall, it was time for them to go. "[color=FB8035]Come on, we'll watch Wind Samurai to help us go to sleep, and don't worry about Ahri missing it, she's seen it a million times.[/color]" Said Sarah as she looked back at Ahri, Ahri tilted her head and smiled, she shook her head in response and replied, "[color=E1557D]Twenty six actually, and yet it's still not your favourite movie.[/color]" Sarah then shrugged and gave her the [i]I dunno[/i] gesture "[color=E1557D]I'll figure it out one day![/color]" Ahri exclaimed raising her free arm. Sarah then left the room with the crew and everyone gave their goodbyes. [/indent]