"Let's go," Benjamin said, leading the way back to the mansion. He too needed a moment to let everything sink in and he could use some music to help him with that. And he was certain it would help Steph too. He looked around to see if he saw Mike somewhere, but when he didn't he figured his friend had gone inside already. "What kind of music do you like?" he said as he walked to the door with Steph. [hr] Great, this agent starting to doubt. [u]Maybe she was trained to attack certain creatures, she still is unpredictable. We don't know anything about her and we don't know if or when she turns against us. Observe her, but be careful. Don't let her get too close.[/u] Mr. Johnson hoped the text would be enough. Maybe women were too emotional for these kinds of things. At least she had done valuable research, there was no denying that. [hr] Mike had gone to the library, there he would be able to do his research about the dragon demon. And continue his research about Succibi. Whenever he thought about them he thought about Ben and felt a stab of worry. He wanted to believe Steph was harmless, but the evidence was against her, there wasn't any case in which Succibi didn't prey on men. For now he put it aside and focussed on the dragon demon. At the same time Ethan was down in the basement doing some target practice.