[hider=Zhao Raiden of Xi'n] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191022/be19d537ec0f9857cdcee4755291db05.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2a/31/4e/2a314e6151ec8e3e8e8ea6865ece0710.jpg[/img] [sub][color=5F9AA0][i] "Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him." - Unknown[/i][/color][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ N A M E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Zhao Raiden, or Raiden Zhao[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ T I T L E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Crowned Prince Zhao Raiden of Xi'n[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ A G E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]24[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ G E N D E R __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Male[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ S E X U A L I T Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Homosexual[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ A P P E R A N C E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Raiden is a well-built man standing at 6'3 with an athletic build, well-defined muscles, and rather long hair. He has light brown eyes, courtesy of his mother, and a well-defined jaw covered in well-groomed stubble. Raiden's hair is his most priced and best feature, according to him anyway. He stopped cutting it shortly after his tenth birthday and only trims it a few times a year to keep it healthy. Raiden dresses in formal wear most of the time. Suits and traditional clothing from Xi'An. He likes to keep his hair down during informal outings or while he is at home. When traditional clothing or formal events are required, he wears his hair up in a but or braids to keep it off his face. His color palette varies by occasion, mood, and location. The one thing that stays true is that Raiden loves to wear dark colors with a pop of bright thrown in there to mix it up a bit. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ P E R S O N A L I T Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Raiden is a man of principles and morals first then science and rationality after. As a Prince, he cares for his people and future kingdom. He wishes the best for those at the bottom who do not have enough while still caring for those at the top who have enough to solve everything wrong in Xi'An. He is rational to think that everything wouldn't be solved so easily, but wishful enough to hope it would. By nature, he is empathetic by nature towards those he calls close and strangers alike. He understands, forgives, and moves on. Raiden is a charismatic man who loves to talk to people as much as he likes to listen to them. Although he loves to run his mouth, he is very selective of what he says to certain people. Raiden is calm and collected, polite, and well-mannered. Raiden could be the best liar. The perfect heir, and the most miserable. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ O N S & O F F S __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] The ocean [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Classical Music [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Musicals [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Hard liquor [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] History [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Travel [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Horror films [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Video games [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Rain [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Social Media [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Paparazzi [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Tight places [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Unloyal people [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Dishonest people [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Bad Higene [color=5F9AA0]x[/color] Bad hair [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ B I O G R A P H Y__________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Raiden is the only son of King Zhao Kousoke and Queen Zhao Ren, making him the only heir to the throne and the only one who must continue the Zhao bloodline. Ever since Raiden was born, Queen Ren knew that he would be her only child. Because of that, she was determined to give her son everything to make him the best man, and King, the nation of Xi'n, would have the pleasure to witness. As Queen Ren had determined since the day he was born, Raiden received the best education Xi'An had to offer along with Wester tutors to help a growing boy expand his knowledge of the outside world. There were many tutors from different kingdoms who came and educated little Raiden on their own history and broad views. His mother said it would help him stay objective and expand his outlook on life and learn from other cultures. At a young age, Raiden showed skills in music, math, and literature that continued to carry on to his youth and teenage years. While his studies were perfect in the eyes of his mother, King Zhao Kousoke thought otherwise. Education was not the only way to rule a kingdom, and so the king saw it fit that Prince Raiden would accompany him to every meeting and hearing he had. He was encouraged to speak with older people about current events and practice diplomacy with other rules. All of the work put Raiden in so much stress, but the King and Queen failed to notice it. By the time Raiden was in his late teens, he finally accepted the fact that he had to be the best for Xi'n to prosper. He began to see the neglect of the common people of Xi'n from his father and the inability to raise awareness from his mother. They were both loving parents, but they were not the great rules Raiden always thought they were. They ignored the rising poverty and the crime in the poor areas of the country and put more importance on business deals with other kingdoms. They spent money on more buildings while people in Kai and the other islands starved. Raiden decided at an early age to change that when he became king. In the meantime, Raiden began several charities and donated large amounts towards the effort to get many residents of Xi'n out of poverty. The crown stood behind him, of course, but his father couldn't help but dismiss most of the importance away in favor of more money. Dismissal from his family was something Raiden was accustomed to. He may be the sole heir to Xi'n, but his parents were still the King and Queen with busy lives. He was mostly raised by various nannies and tutors throughout his life and only saw his parents during important occasions or arranged meetings. Raiden never blamed them or resented them for it; he just grew up to live like that. So as he grew up in an environment where education was always first, and there was little time to one's self, the sudden freedom of college took Raiden by surprise. He finally had time to discover himself and who he was as a person, but he simply didn't know how to. The concept of free time seemed alien to him that for his first year, he did nothing but study in his room and avoid the media as best as he could. Slowly but surely, Raiden began to discover bits of himself little by little. Every party he attended to, he found himself looking at other men dance while he ignored the women who would dote over him. He never mentioned it to anyone, and he never acted upon those feelings until his last year of college. Everything had been purely physical and quick, but after it, Raiden knew who he was and who he wanted. Unfortunately, there would be no future there. Raiden was the only son of King Zhao Kousoke and Queen Ren, and he had to continue the Zhao bloodline. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ B E T R O T H E D __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Beatrice Konig of Konigereich der Welten[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=5F9AA0] __________ M I S C __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Tony Thornburg // 5F9AA0 [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Raiden studied economics in college and is currently studying on finance. [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Although he is skilled with the violin, Raiden prefers the sound of a cello and loves to play the instrument. [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] He has a pet bunny named, Tao, who he loves very very much. [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] During his fourth year of college, Raiden sneaked out and visited a gay bar, where he found his love for ABBA and musicals. They had a special event going on. [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] Raiden is not very active in social media and tends to avoid it as much as he can unless it is to post pictures of Tao in cute outfits. [color=5F9AA0]o[/color] [hider=Occulture][center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191101/b633904486682c4dbe5e6087513dcfeb.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191101/65e7d2672fb01fc2952846d2716e51f0.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191101/d9aaaea13cb0e33a6922d27975b7d63a.png[/img] [color=brown]OCCULTURE IS A FASHION LINE STARTED BY RAIDEN AND RYN YEARS AGO, HENRI WAS DRAGGED IN ABOUT A YEAR AGO AS A DESIGNER AND ARTIST.[/COLOR] [/center][/hider] [/sub][/indent] [/hider] [hider=The United Isles of Xi'n] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191022/d930ff62d6ff708270adb976c7050594.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/11/22/45/1122450172eac2da21a46d4c7a963dd8.jpg[/img] [sub][color=AFEEEE][i]Modern and traditional come together in Xi'n. Past and present merge into one.[/i][/color][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ K I N G D O M N A M E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]The United Isles of Xi'n[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ K I N G A N D Q U E E N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]King Zhao Kousoke Queen Zheo Ren[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ K I N G D O M C O L O R S __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Red, gold, and black[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ G E O G R A P H Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Located east of the mainland of Asia, Xi'n is a county composed of several islands of various sizes. The main island, Kai, has two large mountains and an inactive volcano in the center. While Kai is the main island, there are about four more that are half the size of Kai and a few others that would be able to fit a city. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ R E P U T A T I O N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]The United Isles of Xi'n is best known for the mixture of traditional and modern, large skyscrapers, and crazy rich Asians. Xi'n is a proud nation that holds close ties with its long history that traces back to the First Dynasty of China. Due to this, Xi'An has various temples, palaces, and historic buildings and areas still standing amongst the sea of breathtaking skyscrapers, large neon signs, and the everlasting buzz of the city. These historic sights attract tourists from the West who marvel at the historical sights and enjoy a dip in the Pacific that surrounds the Islands. Xi'n is also known for its grand scale buildings, city-like shopping centers, and vibrant exotic gardens. Throughout the main island of Xi'n, there are various gardens dedicated to multiple countries from the East and West alike. Why leave Xi'An when you can have the world in Xi'n? The country is an expert in recreating gardens from other countries and ecosystems. Their most famous garden is a South American garden inspired by the nation of Nevarrea and another by the cold Austerund. It is no secret that Xi'n is a wealthy country, and the kingdom loves to flaunt it while ignoring the rise in poverty by the common people. They are good at hiding that fact and will continue to do so until their little bubble pops. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ H I S T O R Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] It is not sure who were the first people in Xi'n, but historians are certain people from the mainland in East Asia migrated to the Isles of Xi'n around 100,000 years ago. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] During the Bronze Area, people began to live closer together to form towns and small cities, but the islands continued to live in isolation from one another. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Around the middle of the Bronze Age, the islands around Kai began to unite against the growing threat of pirates from the mainland. With this union, they formed Xi'n [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] The newly formed and united Xi'n fought against pirates and slowly began to open trade with the mainland around the mid-1000s [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Around the early 14th century, invaders from the mainland began to invade Xi'n. Unable to protect themselves, the people of Xi'n surrendered [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] The invaders did not last long in Xi'n as they were kicked out through various battles called the Golden War, were Xi'n warriors used gold to lure the enemy into traps and kill them. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] By the late 14th century, Xi'n was a more strongly united nation, and shortly after, their golden age began. Art, music, architecture, and literature began to boom in the kingdom. Trade had also been a major play during this area. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Xi'n continued to trade throughout the years bringing in new ideas from other countries and kingdoms and applying those ideas to everyday life [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Around the 17th century Xi'n had become a booming trade nation with many visitors from Europe and other parts of the world all coming to see the island of Kai grow from one small city to a grand island. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] While the country prospered, there was inner turmoil in the royal palace of Kai. There were plans to overthrow the current king, who the people deemed weak for allowing so many westerners into the city. In 1589 King Xuan and his family were over thrown by the king's younger brother and sent on exile to the mainland. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Rule under the new King was strict that his reign decreased trade with other countries, bringing a decrease of wealth to the nation. Seeing this, the King sent out for his older brother to return and open up trade again. The older brother returned years later with an army to take back his throne. He had no mercy for the younger man and executed him. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Since then, Xi'n has remained an open trade nation, welcoming anyone who has the money and wares to trade and make business in Xi'n. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] The country has not been a part of any war and remain neutral. Their military presence is small, but their defense technology is one of the best. Their main income is realestate and software, [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ R E L I G I O N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]The main religion of Xi'n is Buddhism, but there are quite a lot that have been living in the islands of Xi'n in harmony for thousands of years now. The main three are Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. The royal family is Buddhist by default. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=AFEEEE] __________ M I S C __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] Although Xi'n is a very technological advance country, their poverty numbers have been on the rise since the early 2000s. [color=5F9AA0]-[/color] It is a popular place to film action movies due to the grand skyscrapers. The city skyline of Kai is famous now. [/sub][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Relations Sheet - RAIDEN] [center][sub][color=8FBC8F]CHRISTIAN HENRI NASSAU[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/57/1f/bd571f911f39c795a2be9e6025b4fabf.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8FBC8F]{[/color][i] "We first met when Henri came on his diplomatic tour. Xi'n was the last stop on his trip and I could tell he was tired. Tired of everything. Being the nice host I am, I invited him for a drink and a friendly conversation. That's when I realized he could not hold his drink at all and how wary he was of me-- or any royal in fact. Our first meeting ended in a bad note, but the next time he visited things seemed different. Like he was trying to reach out and reached back. Now I know why he is so uneasy around people like me. I'm afraid I hurt him just as bad as the last guy, if not worse." [/i][color=8FBC8F]}[/color] ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ [color=8FBC8F][b]BEST FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ [color=8FBC8F][b]SIGNIFICANT OTHER[/b][/color] ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=48B8B5]GENEVIEVE MARIE ANDERS[/color] [hider][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BdTfkF2RpeI/VAY7yBfJs_I/AAAAAAAAAF8/SMvanG3w6y4/s1600/1087519.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=48B8B5]{[/color][i] "Henri told me about he after his trip to Maris. He said he liked the beaches of that country as much as he liked Gen. I'm glad he's making friends with other royals again. I think she follows my bunny Tao's Instagram account too." [/i][color=48B8B5]}[/color] ⚜ [color=48B8B5][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=CD5C5C]LEONOR SOFIA ACOSTA[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/23/ac/1d23ac04e2659261745c3143daf386c3.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=CD5C5C]{[/color][i] "Leo is a woman I have come to respect and admire over time. Despite everything her mother has put her through she is determined to keep her chin up and become the queen her nation needs her to be. She's not afraid to flaunt who she loves either. I wish I could have that amount of courage." [/i][color=CD5C5C]}[/color] Leo and Raiden met when they were both children. Nevarrea is a close ally to Xi'n for the past decade and they have been working together to advance weapon manufacturing. Raiden's father even considered the marriage between Leo and Raiden when the alliance was made, but his mother protested against it then. Both of them never found out and stayed good friends. ⚜ [color=CD5C5C][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=CD5C5C][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=DAA520]IMANI KORE[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/78/89/2c/78892c7e91a184042928ccace60d5a3a.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=DAA520]{[/color][i] "I can tell she has had a hard life I can connect to. I just wish she wouldn't be so dificult. In some ways, she reminds me of Henri and how he used to act towards me." [/i][color=DAA520]}[/color] Both of their countries have been allies for some time. Raiden met Imani shortly after she was crowned Princess of Massylii. They don't have much contact outside of trade deals and alliance talks, but he wishes he could get her to talk more. ⚜ [color=DAA520][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ [color=DAA520][b] NEUTRAL[/b][/color] ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=8CFF88]RAVEN ASTER WILLOW[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/70/74/30/707430f97d0f9ccc4dde250e832bbd16.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8CFF88]{[/color][i] "Yes." [/i][color=8CFF88]}[/color] ⚜ [color=8CFF88][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ [color=8CFF88][b] NEUTRAL[/b][/color] ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=a27c89]ARABELLE ALMORE[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3b/ff/53/3bff5372f9ca701ed313f715565bbbf2.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=a27c89]{[/color][i] "At least I'm not set to marry a person I hate like poor Arabelle is." [/i][color=a27c89]}[/color] Raiden feels sympathy for Arabelle, and really likes her hair too. ⚜ [color=a27c89][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FF8C00]ALEJANDRO ALVARO AUGILA DE AGUSTIN[/color] [hider][img]https://urcdn.eu/forum/99807b93-91b8-44d4-875a-881bd4cb702c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=FF8C00]{[/color][i] "This dude. I've only seen him through social media and all that crap, but I like him. Love his hair and sense of style. I gotta get some pointers from him if I see him at the event." [/i][color=FF8C00]}[/color] Raiden may have gotten a bit more into fashion when he found Alejandro's Insta account. Besides, he's easy on the eyes and his hair is almost as perfect as his own. ⚜ [color=FF8C00][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=b8c5c3]ERICK BEL AUSTER[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/8c/30/9e8c3014a7070042795b62dc4a541e7c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=b8c5c3]{[/color][i] "I know the history behind his country, and I am glad that I am not in a situation like his-- shit." [/i][color=b8c5c3]}[/color] Raiden understands him. Feels bad man. ⚜ [color=b8c5c3][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=00D0FF]ASHER BLAKE ALCOTT[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e4/2c/0f/e42c0fc098d84d9a7173f0126e9c6aec.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=00D0FF]{[/color][i] "I don't know much about this guy other than the basics of his family and country. He seems like a chill dude I could have a drink with. And he's hot." [/i][color=00D0FF]}[/color] Hot. ⚜ [color=00D0FF][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=C22941]MARCELA ALEJANDRA CASTILLO[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2b/23/1b/2b231b92eeea018d4e6ad0c4d1d5bcce.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=C22941]{[/color][i] "I have seen her in some royal events in the past and saw her flipping some guy off. I've liked her ever since. Whenever her name comes up I just picture that scene all those years back and think, 'I wish she had flipped me off too.'" [/i][color=C22941]}[/color] Raiden has only seen Marcy in person during events or through the media but has never talked to the woman. ⚜ [color=C22941][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FFD700]CHRISTOPHER APOLLONIS KALYMNOS[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/17/11/22/171122914053d4dbb024419f6be9384b.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=FFD700]{[/color][i] "Chris and I go back a few years. He and I, well, we had a thing, but that was years ago. We broke it off right before Henri and I got serious. We stayed friends and keep in touch." [/i][color=FFD700]}[/color] Chris was the guy that introduced ABBA and gay bars to Raiden years ago. They hit it off well and had a fling shortly after. It hadn't been a serious thing for both of them. Both men stayed in contact after that but after the announcement of Raiden's marriage to Beatrice Chris stopped talking to him. He didn't blame the guy. ⚜ [color=FFD700][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ [color=FFD700][b]CRUSH[/b][/color] ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=green]Cassandra O'Brien[/color] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/aeBIGWX.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=green]{[/color][i] "Cass is a hardworking woman who doesn't take crap from anyone, and I admire that. Our friendship started as trade partners but over the years I've come to call her a friend. I admire her determination." Raiden was looking for some investments to make overseas when he saw a small start-up tech company in Europe. The owner of said company intrigued him and so he made a great investment that helped Cass's company grow. They grew close after a few meetings and trade deals and now they are pretty good friends. [/i][color=green]}[/color] ⚜ [color=green][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=green][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=662d91]QUINCY ALANNI SEERA-LLOYD[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/04/a8/b304a81659970db536351dd000dace6c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=662d91]{[/color][i] "I don't know much other than the basic, I do love his curls." [/i][color=662d91]}[/color] ⚜ [color=662d91][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FF8E00]HAN THUY NGUYEN[/color] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/KYiW0AY.png[/img][/hider] [color=FF8E00]{[/color][i] "While I admire her individualism and determination to be herself, I do have my doubts about her. One has to put their kingdom before anything else." [/i][color=FF8E00]}[/color] Raiden has no positive or negative opinions about Han, he only knows from what information he has been given and he has researched. ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § [color=FF8E00][b]TENSE[/b][/color] ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=919191]BEATRICE MEI KONIG[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/ad/72/92/ad72929346824cc21554358eba944335.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=919191]{[/color][i] "I don't blame her for the situation our parents have put us through. I don't want to marry her and she doesn't want to marry me. I can see it in her eyes that she wants something more, and honestly, I'll help her get it as long as we get out of this stupid arrangement." [/i][color=919191]}[/color] Raiden and Beatrice's fathers had come to an agreement to marry them off as some sort of alliance, or better yet, distraction. Raiden didn't take the engagement very well. Actually, he took it so bad he completely ignored and pretended it was not real. All the way until it was officially announced and Henri almost killed him. Yeah, it was bad. Raiden done fucked up bad. ⚜ [color=919191][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=goldenrod]PHILLIP ANDERS[/color] [hider][img]https://booker-premium.s3.amazonaws.com/library/10/20170519_152604247_M.JPG[/img][/hider] [color=goldenrod]{[/color][i] "From what I have heard from others, Phillips seems like a nice guy. I do hope his marriage goes well," [/i][color=goldenrod]}[/color] Raiden hopes to get to know the Prince of Maris a bit more. ⚜ [color=goldenrod][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=goldenrod][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=852538]MAERYN OZZETTE RASKE[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/08/ed/e1/08ede1bbc492410a43fa112de0c5e291.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=852538]{[/color][i] "Ryn is like the little sister I never had. I love her to pieces and, I will let her cut you if you don't respect this beautiful woman." [/i][color=852538]}[/color] Dredalan and xi'n are old allies, so it is easy to say Ryn and Raiden are childhood friends. As they grew into adults both of them kept in touch and bonded over their love of high Gothic fashion, and Raiden's need to be an impulse control for Ryn. About a year or two before the two of them decided to start a fashion line together. Ryn was the first person to know about his betrothal to Beatrice, and the only person to know why he is staying quiet about it. ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ [color=852538][b]BEST FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=3a5154]MORRHYS ALEKSANDER RASKE[/color] [hider][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F05%2FTom-Ellis-6.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/hider] [color=3a5154]{[/color][i] "Rhys has always been a friend of mine. We do talk from time to time but never really connected too much. He did grow up to be one good looking dude. [/i][color=3a5154]}[/color] Raiden was never as close to Rhys as he was with Ryn. Although they never stayed up talking or texting, Raiden developed a small crush for Rhys when he was younger, his first little crush and Raiden didn't know what to do but act awkward around the other boy. ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=3a5154][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=salmon]FAREEHA ISIS AMARI[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/bc/18/f8bc18a6b7fb7f8e1fbaf34f2b7d451d.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=salmon]{[/color][i] "Fareeha is a woman I repect greatly, with that said, she will have to be real careful with Henri." [/i][color=salmon]}[/color] Fareeha's engagement to Henri was not something Raiden expected. He supposed it was coming sooner or later, but it still hit him hard. Raiden hates himself a little bit more for not doing to stop his own engagement and Henri's. ⚜ [color=salmon][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Imani Kore of Massylii] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191022/1351e32e93e8397878aae6b9e1571197.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/78/89/2c/78892c7e91a184042928ccace60d5a3a.jpg[/img] [sub][color=DAA520][i]"My Crown is in my heart, not on my head." - Shakespeare[/i][/color][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ N A M E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Imani Kore of Massylii[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ T I T L E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Crowned Princess Imani Kore of Massylii, Douchess of Tensia Formerly known as Princess Imani Kore of Utasi[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ A G E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] 22[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ G E N D E R __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Female[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ S E X U A L I T Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Asexual - Lesbian[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ A P P E R A N C E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]With dark brown hair and brown eyes, Imani stands at 5'7 tall with a slender figure. Even as a child, Imani had trouble gaining weight, and while she lived in Utasi, she was always colder than the rest of the kids. Imani's hair reached down to her shoulders when it's left in it's naturally curly. Although he tends to straighten it and treat it, she has begun to accept her curly hair since moving to Massylii. Imani has gone through some drastic fashion changes over the past two years. She went from wearing long boring, and heavy dresses with furs and leathers to light, airy, and colorful clothing. While she lived in Utasi, she was not allowed to wear pants, but here in Massylii, she takes every opportunity to wear them. Anything from jeans to trousers and even shorts. Imani loves shorts. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ P E R S O N A L I T Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Like the people of Utasi, Imani grew up to be a calculating, cunning, and manipulative person. Imani doesn't know weakness, at least that is what she makes herself believe. Growing up, Imani had to keep everything in check and hidden from anyone and everyone. If she showed an ounce of emotion towards her teachers of half-siblings, they would exploit that. As a defense, Imani just stopped showing any emotion at all. She feels like any person does, but now she doesn't convey those feelings at all. Keeps everything locked up behind a cold persona. Behind her ice wall, Imani is a kind and loving woman who is afraid to get hurt. Her loyalty to a person may be hard to come by, but when she loves someone, she loves them to the fullest. There is no half-assing anything in her books, and that includes ruling a kingdom or being a friend. Now Imani only wished she had friends. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ O N S & O F F S __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=DAA520]o[/color] The beach and any warm place [color=DAA520]o[/color] Suits [color=DAA520]o[/color] Dancing and singing [color=DAA520]o[/color] Reading anything fictional, especially sci-fi [color=DAA520]o[/color] Swimming [color=DAA520]o[/color] Holding hands [color=DAA520]o[/color] Cats [color=DAA520]o[/color] Colorful dresses [color=DAA520] __________[/color] [color=DAA520]x[/color] Controlling people [color=DAA520]x[/color] Snow [color=DAA520]x[/color] Bland food [color=DAA520]x[/color] Smoking or the smell of it [color=DAA520]x[/color] Spiders or any bug [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ B I O G R A P H Y__________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Born out of wedlock, Imani's existence has always been a bother to her and everyone around her. Her father, King Oscar of Utasi, and her mother, an unknown woman, fell in love at first sight and decided it was a good idea fuck. Nine months later, Imani, the bastard child, was born. Her mother vanished into thin air, and she was left in the cold Pale Palace of Utasi to live out the rest of her life around a Queen that hated her guts and half-siblings that pretended she wasn't there. Everyone in the Pale Palace ignored Imani's existence. Her father was the only kind soul she had as she grew up. Her teachers, tutors, and nannies only tolerated her because she was the daughter of their King and only that. She was no Princess, her father's wife always reminded her of that when she had the chance. Imani was just a bastard child who had been lucky enough that her father was kind enough to let her live in the palace with the rest of them. Growing up had been torture. Imani was constantly reminded of her position under the crown. Imani drowned herself in books, studies, art, and music to distract her from the empty feeling in her chest. She knew she didn't belong in the Pale Palace, or even in Utasi. The people looked nothing like her. They were too pale, too cold and too distant. She longed for the warmth of the sun and the sound of the waves. On her eighteen birthday, the emptiness in Imani's chest was filled. A man claiming to be from the Kingdom of Massylii came to the Pale Palace, announcing that Imani Kore was the only blood heir of King Kareem of Massylii; her mother's twin brother. Suddenly Imani was a Crowned Princess, and everything was thrown out of place. She left Utasi shortly after saying goodbye to her father, who knew that one day, Imani would leave him for her mother's land. Two years later and living in the warmth of Massylii, Imani has yet to get used to the idea of being an heir to the throne. Her uncle, with no children of his own, had welcomed Imani as his own and made her feel welcomed. He made sure to get her acquainted with the people of the land, the business, everything that would prepare her to be the next Queen of Massylii. Best of all, Imani felt like she belonged in Massylii. The warmth. The ocean. Her mother's possessions. There was still a part of her that missed the cold, snowy mountains of Utasi and his father. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ B E T R O T H E D __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]TBD?[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=DAA520] __________ M I S C __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Malaika Firth // DAA520 [color=DAA520]-[/color] Imani wantes friends really bad, just sucks at making them [color=DAA520]-[/color] She has two cats, Apricot and Teme [color=DAA520]-[/color] She can speak four languages; English, Swedish, Arabic and Spanish [color=DAA520]-[/color] Recently, Imani opened a Instagram account and has been posting everything about her new life in her new home -- her half-siblings follow her and lurk around. [/sub][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Massylii] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191024/e2d4c57d630f241f89ff507e36176175.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/62/06/31/620631ac2c09893b7b3d2a02829ec8ab.jpg[/img] [sub][color=FFDAB9][i]Years upon years of history lay in the streets of Massylii, and every day her people contribute to her history.[/i][/color][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ K I N G D O M N A M E __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Massylii[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ K I N G A N D Q U E E N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]King Kareem[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ K I N G D O M C O L O R S __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub]Purple, silver and white[/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ R E P U T A T I O N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii is known for its rich mix of cultures coming from Europe, the Middle East, and countries from Africa. It is located in North Africa and shares the Medetarrean with Europe. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Ancient architecture found in Massylii could be traced back to ancient greeks and Egyptians, making it a popular place for tourists and archeologists. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] The people of Massylii are thought of as carefree, although they are often called lazy. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Their main export are spices, gold, and diamonds. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ H I S T O R Y __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] The Kingdom of Massylii was first established during the late 11th century, but there have been traces of small city-states with Greek and Egyptian origins all over the border. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii was a popular stop for Europeans on their way to Africa, the nation fell into the control of France during the 14th century and only lasted a few hundred years. During this rule, the Black Death managed to make it's way into Massylii, affecting almost half of its population. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii gained their independence from France on June 23, 1489, and have stayed a united nation since. The house of Yul was crowned, and Queen Penelope Yul took the throne. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Masssylii's start was a rough one with little to no income; many blamed the queen for it. Just ten years after her coronation, she was overthrown by her younger brother. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] The beginning of the 15th century marked what would be the bloodiest war in Massylii history. King Re went to war with the neighboring countries to gain more resources and gold. King Re was successful in capturing the smaller countries, a bloody conquest that led to the golden age of the country. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii became the main export of gold and diamonds in Europe and Asia, but have recently limited their export to make diamonds worth go up. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii is now a more peaceful country, mostly dealing in the trade of precious minerals and oil. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ R E L I G I O N __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] Massylii is welcoming of all religions. The majority of the residents follow Islam or Christianity with many other religions mixed in, but there has been a recent rise in atheism with the younger generations. The crown have a strict rule to keep religion out of politics, Massylii has learned from history. [/sub][/indent] [sub][color=FFDAB9] __________ M I S C __________ [/color][/sub] [indent][sub] Malaika Firth // FFDAB9 [color=DAA520]-[/color] Massylii have the largest conservation zoo in the world. [color=FFDAB9]-[/color] They have a strict law against poaching. [/sub][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Relations Sheet - IMANI] [center][sub][color=8FBC8F]CHRISTIAN HENRI NASSAU[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/57/1f/bd571f911f39c795a2be9e6025b4fabf.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8FBC8F]{[/color][i] "I share his cynisism towards other royals. I've only met him once, but Raiden mentioned he was a special person. He seems okay." [/i][color=8FBC8F]}[/color] Henri was there for Imani's official announcement as the Crowned Princess of Massylii. While he didn't speak much to her that day, she could tell they shared similar attitudes towards other royals. ⚜ [color=8FBC8F][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=48B8B5]GENEVIEVE MARIE ANDERS[/color] [hider][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BdTfkF2RpeI/VAY7yBfJs_I/AAAAAAAAAF8/SMvanG3w6y4/s1600/1087519.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=48B8B5]{[/color][i] "Gen is a sweetheart. I don't know what I would have done without her or her brother." [/i][color=48B8B5]}[/color] Imani owes a great deal to Gen and her brother. Gen has been there supporting her for the past few months when her engagaemnt to Phillip was announced. Of course, she knows that everything is a sham, but she still appriciates all the support. ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=48B8B5][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=CD5C5C]LEONOR SOFIA ACOSTA[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/23/ac/1d23ac04e2659261745c3143daf386c3.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=CD5C5C]{[/color][i] "Leo is one of the few people I managed to befriend while I lived with my father. Her mother wanted to marry her off to one of my older brothers and she put up the biggest fight. Also, she's cute when she has that determined look on her face." [/i][color=CD5C5C]}[/color] Imani and Leo go back to her childhood. Both of their kingdoms had recently allied to one another and there was a small celebration in Utasi. Leo found Imani sitting by herself while people danced around. Leo sat with Imani and talked to her until the party was over and Leo had to leave. Ever since then they've been pretty close. Leo was also Imani's first crush. ⚜ [color=CD5C5C][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=CD5C5C][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ [color=CD5C5C][b]CRUSH[/b][/color] ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=5F9AA0]ZHAO RAIDEN[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2a/31/4e/2a314e6151ec8e3e8e8ea6865ece0710.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=5F9AA0]{[/color][i] "Our countries have a trade deal, so I've met him from those meetings my uncle drags me to. I understand he is trying to befriend me, but I need more time than just a few meetings to see if someone is actually friendly or just trying to get something out of me. He's okay so far." [/i][color=5F9AA0]}[/color] The first thing Imani noticed about Raiden was his hair and how friendly and just... chill he was. So far he looks okay, but she's still wary of him. ⚜ [color=5F9AA0][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ [color=DAA520][b]NEUTRAL[/b][/color] ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=8CFF88]RAVEN ASTER WILLOW[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/70/74/30/707430f97d0f9ccc4dde250e832bbd16.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8CFF88]{[/color][i] "I don't know much about her other than the fact her older sister is getting married." [/i][color=8CFF88]}[/color] ⚜ [color=8CFF88][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ [color=8CFF88][b] NEUTRAL[/b][/color] ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=a27c89]ARABELLE ALMORE[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3b/ff/53/3bff5372f9ca701ed313f715565bbbf2.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=a27c89]{[/color][i] "I like the way she dresses. It's really cute! I followed her Instagram account just to keep up with her fashion trends. Everything is so different from Europe here, but I'm not complaining." [/i][color=a27c89]}[/color] Imani found out about Arabelle when she was learning about the other kingdoms and their history. Not too long after that, it was announced that she would be marrying a man from the kingdom that had pretty much betrayed hers. Imani didn't understand then and still understands up to this day. Why? ⚜ [color=a27c89][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FF8C00]ALEJANDRO ALVARO AUGILA DE AGUSTIN[/color] [hider][img]https://urcdn.eu/forum/99807b93-91b8-44d4-875a-881bd4cb702c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=FF8C00]{[/color][i] "I don't know if it was his colorful personality or the way he just made everything look so easy, but Alejandro became a friend so quickly. He was happy to let me borrow his clothes and make up... He's also the closest friend, kingdom wise. We always send each other stuff. I'm glad I was able to become friends with him." [/i][color=FF8C00]}[/color] Imani was on a trip to Castilya with her uncle when she was offered a tour by Alejandro. At first Imani was reluctant, but with some pressure from her uncle she finally accept the tour. And was she glad she did now. Imani can't help but to feel like things have changed a bit after she and Phillip agreed to tell the world they were engaged. He knows it's not real, but she can't shake the feeling. ⚜ [color=FF8C00][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=FF8C00][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=b8c5c3]ERICK BEL AUSTER[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/8c/30/9e8c3014a7070042795b62dc4a541e7c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=b8c5c3]{[/color][i] "I... I don't know." [/i][color=b8c5c3]}[/color] Imani thinks that the Auster history is the prime example as to why she doesn't trust many royals. ⚜ [color=b8c5c3][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=00D0FF]ASHER BLAKE ALCOTT[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e4/2c/0f/e42c0fc098d84d9a7173f0126e9c6aec.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=00D0FF]{[/color][i] "Oof." [/i][color=00D0FF]}[/color] Imani knows, and she just... [i]oof[/i]. It also doesn't help that Asher will be marrying another close friend, Leo. Everything about this guy just rubs her the wrong way. ⚜ RESPECTS ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § [color=00D0FF][b]TENSE[/b][/color] ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=C22941]MARCELA ALEJANDRA CASTILLO[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/a4/03/59a403943ac46d8e1ba9da2cb7a043e5.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=C22941]{[/color][i] "Literally the only person I like to death. Marcy is my childhood friend and best friend, the only one that I can fully trust in this world. She has been there for me since I came out all those years ago until now that I am an actual Princess. Love her." [/i][color=C22941]}[/color] Marcela was Imani's first friend ever. Their kingdoms are allies so they met during a party, Imani doesn't really remember since they were so small. She's known Marcela for most of her life, pretty much. They both share similar situations so it was easy for them to connect and become friends. ⚜ [color=C22941][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ [color=C22941][b]BEST FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FFD700]CHRISTOPHER APOLLONIS KALYMNOS[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/17/11/22/171122914053d4dbb024419f6be9384b.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=FFD700]{[/color][i] "I don't know much about the man other than the work he has done in his country. One day, I want to do something similar for mine and open the people's heart to love. Other than that." [/i][color=FFD700]}[/color] Imani admires Chris for the work he has done in his kingdom, though she doesn't really seem to pay much mind to him. She does try ti be somewhat nice to Chris because Leo keeps telling her to. ⚜ [color=FFD700][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=green]Cassandra O'Brien[/color] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/aeBIGWX.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=green]{[/color][i] "I followed her story when it all came out to the public. She's pretty badass." [/i][color=green]}[/color] Kickass lady. ⚜ [color=green][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=662d91]QUINCY ALANNI SEERA-LLOYD[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/04/a8/b304a81659970db536351dd000dace6c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=662d91]{[/color][i] "IF YOU HURT MARCY I WILL POLITELY ASK YOU TO DIE. Thanks." [/i][color=662d91]}[/color] - ⚜ [color=662d91][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=FF8E00]HAN THUY NGUYEN[/color] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/KYiW0AY.png[/img][/hider] [color=FF8E00]{[/color][i] "I'm sorry, but how is someone so hot??" [/i][color=FF8E00]}[/color] Imani just loves everything about Han. From her fashion sense to her "idgaf" attitude and the passion for her country. Also, Imani just wants to hold hands with her. ⚜ [color=FF8E00][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTERAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ [color=FF8E00][b]CRUSH[/b][/color] ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=goldenrod]PHILLIP ANDERS[/color] [hider][img]https://booker-premium.s3.amazonaws.com/library/10/20170519_152604247_M.JPG[/img][/hider] [color=goldenrod]{[/color][i] "I owe everything to Phillip. I don't think I can say thank you enough to him." [/i][color=goldenrod]}[/color] Imani's uncle offered him to stay at the palace when he heard Phillip was coming to Massylii. From there the two met up. Phillip was really easy to talk to and well, they became friends. Then Imani was pressured by her uncle to find someone or he would be the one who would have to do the finding for her. The only person who came to mind was Phillip and he agreed to help her. ⚜ [color=goldenrod][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTRAL ~*~ ☮ [color=goldenrod][b]FRIENDS[/b][/color] ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=852538]MAERYN OZZETTE RASKE[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/08/ed/e1/08ede1bbc492410a43fa112de0c5e291.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=852538]{[/color][i] "I don't know how Leo grew up with this woman, sure she's nice to look at, but she is scary." [/i][color=852538]}[/color] ⚜ [color=852538][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTERAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=3a5154]MORRHYS ALEKSANDER RASKE[/color] [hider][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F05%2FTom-Ellis-6.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/hider] [color=3a5154]{[/color][i] "He's the nice twin, right?" [/i][color=3a5154]}[/color] ⚜ [color=3a5154][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTERAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub][color=salmon]FAREEHA ISIS AMARI[/color] [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/bc/18/f8bc18a6b7fb7f8e1fbaf34f2b7d451d.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=salmon]{[/color][i] "Opinion." [/i][color=salmon]}[/color] ⚜ [color=salmon][b]RESPECTS[/b][/color] ~*~ ☯ NEUTERAL ~*~ ☮ FRIENDS ~*~ ♫ BEST FRIENDS ~*~ § TENSE ~*~ ♥ CRUSH ~*~ ⚤ SIGNIFICANT OTHER ~*~ ☠ ENEMIES[/sub][/center] [/hider]