Gust of winds will help you move faster, cutting the trip from 10 minutes into 7 minutes. There’s no general code, as obviously different seas and cultures operate differently. But around the Transantic there’s a few honor codes pirates offer. 1. Always offer parlay. Give your prey one chance to surrender with their life and dignity. Refusing to do so makes you no better than a raider, plus it’s bad for business. The exception are against other raiders aka [i]Privateers[/i] aka pirates who work for the government. 2. If a man dies wearing a golden earring, it’s just good manners to give him a proper burial at sea (after you take it of course). These earrings are known as “Deadman’s Gold” and meant to be used by said deadmen to ensure an honorable send off if they die at sea. 3. Basically, no snitching or selling out. Pirates fighting among each other isn’t unusual, but at pirate havens they’re expected to conduct themselves politely if they want to do business there, with merchants and tradesmen who’ll overlook their reputation. But to sell out one another or the havens for your own gain is a quick way to get labeled as a Raider, which basically means even regular pirates don’t think kindly of you. Naturally theses are just unspoken, generally accepted codes of conduct. Not every pirate follows them and breaking them doesn’t always end badly, or at least not immediately. But beyond that? Pretty much a free for all. If you were wondering if there’s some pirate code about not raiding a ship already under attack, you can safely know that there’s no real rule against it, and such situations are known as “Feeding Frenzies”, where various other pirate gangs or third parties come in to take what they can. It’s a normal part of the job and minimizing the chances of that happening is a sign of a skilled pirate.