[quote=@Lady Selune] Maybe this is a little bit of bias because I came into this (and designed my character) around the idea of having us be low powered, but I'm not exactly pleased at the moment. I'll stay, but I want my voice to have been thrown into the ring. [/quote] That's a very reasonable concern, I normally find myself playing the 'average joe' of most 40k casts of rp'ers. I personally find some amount of fun in that, but admittedly it can be bothersome to feel left behind. If it helps, the dark eldar are very much there to help with the general plot, as I know Bloodrose very well. That being said, I still wouldn't put them as more powerful than an Astartes in most situations. I personally think you will have plenty of opportunities to play to your character's strengths, it may be a warhammer rp, but it's not just about who can swing the biggest stick, not even remotely.