Argen watches the fire as he sees the food. He sighs as he looks away and starts fiddling with his gear as he looks back as Oscar states it's done. In a quick hurry he pulls the meat off of the heating rock and onto a cooler one so it can cool, worried he burned it. He is quite excited as the food is not burnt and it has a nice taste, definitely one of the better meals he had in a while really. He is in a better mood now as well as his headache has subsided and has allowed him a chill out for a bit. So when Katya has came over and called them butt eaters he had a slight smirk come at the edge of his lips. He was feeling better as they did reach a nice place and was about to head off to take a bath, so he was quite happy. Argen stood up as he looked towards the others as he stretches as he says, [color=silver]"Well I'll be heading off to the spring then, who's coming?"[/color]