[img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LmEyODE4Ny5RV3hsYW1GdVpISnZJRU5oYzNScGJHeHZJRkpsZVdWei4w/allison-script.regular.png[/img] [color=gray][sub]LOCATION & TIME : SWAN SONGS, MONDAY EVENING[/sub] [sub]INTERACTIONS : ASSOCIATES , SHANNON - [@Pilatus][/sub] [sub]MENTIONS : N/A [/sub][/color] [hr] Mara watched the woman leave with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. She was upset, angry, furious about this whole mess. Shannon meant trouble. That woman shouldn't be trusted at all. And to top it all off, she had eyes on their little shop. That bitch! With an angry sigh, Mara took Shannon's seat and looked at Alejandro dead in the eyes. [color=gray]"What.The.Fuck."[/color] Alejandro looked back at her, smile still on his lips as he reached over and took Mara's hand into his. [color=BC8F8F]"Mara, I love you. You're my family, but during these situations, you have to stay calm. I know how passionate you are about this, but you need composure."[/color] He looked back at her as if warning her that she had made a mistake. She had. She had shown Shannon the amount of freedom he gave his associates and how easy it was for one of them to become emotional and irrational. Alejandro didn't blame Mara. She was family, and her family had been insulted. [color=gray]"Really?! After all that, you're telling me to calm down? She has eyes on our place! She knew more about you and then about this Nikki-- what if it's a trap?!"[/color] Mara wanted to pull her hand away but instead remained still, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. [color=gray]"Fine..."[/color] [color=BC8F8F]"I get your concern, but..."[/color] Alejandro looked at John with a smile, [color=BC8F8F]"It felt like I was in some thriller movie! All the plot twist!"[/color] He laughed loudly, a few people around them looking back to give Alejandro strange glances. [color=BC8F8F]"Oh man, this one is gonna be fun. I tell you. Shannon, I mean, god, she was great. That whole looking over her shoulder and getting the last word--"[/color] Alejandro had to stop to take a deep breath. [color=gray]"I don't know how you are laughing, this is serious Alejandro! What if it is a trap and she's working with Nikki?!"[/color] Mara glanced at John for some help, [color=gray]"What about you? Don't you have something to say?"[/color] [color=gray]"We found out more things about this woman and Nikki. I'll have to do more research."[/color] John said without looking at Mara in the face. She was right. Alejandro was taking all of this so lightly. It could be a trap, and all he was doing was laughing. Alejandro wiped the tears from his the corner of his eyes before he spoke again. [color=BC8F8F]"I don't have to explain myself to you guys, but I will. I due time."[/color] Alejandro took the non-alcoholic michelada again and took a long sip from it. [color=BC8F8F]"Just know that I know what I am doing, I know what she wants, and I know what will be the end result. It's always the same at the end of the day. The person with the most allies always wins. The one who thinks he has everything in control just comes crumbling down, and a few pieces end up falling on him."[/color] Alejandro stood up and motioned them to follow. [color=BC8F8F]"It never changes."[/color] [color=gray]"Okay..."[/color] Mara sounded unsure, but she trusted Alejandro. She followed close behind John and Alejandro this time as they got to the SUV. [color=gray]"I'm not gonna repeat this, but it was kinda cool how she got the last word."[/color] [color=BC8F8F]"I know right?! I wonder if she watches or reads lots of thriller stuff."[/color] Alejandro got in the passenger's seat as John rolled his eyes and climbed into the driver's side. [color=gray]"You two are idiots."[/color] John said as he began to drive back to Alejandro's pen house.