Faolan grunted again, a little more forcefully this time, but was quiet again. After a moment, he leaned forward and stood before walking a few steps to the bag Lucien had indicated on the ground. He was still a bit wobbly, but a majority of the pain had subsided and he was now able to walk without getting lightheaded, at the very least. He crouched in front of it, then pulled a pair of pants and belt from its depths. He stood again and began to dress, his back to Lucien. After another moment he said, [color=a36209]"You shouldn't be here."[/color] That rage that he was keeping hidden under his weakened exterior was building, slowly, but enough. Soon, he wasn't sure if he would be able to hold it back. He wasn't even sure why he was trying to, at this point. He had told Lucien to go, to leave him alone, and the Frenchman stayed. He put himself in harm's way for no sane reason. And the things that he must have seen...Faolan never wanted anyone to have to see that again, least of all Lucien. He felt embarrassed, ashamed, dirty. He couldn't even look at him. [color=a36209]"I told you to leave me."[/color] He said, finally. [color=a36209]"I told you to go...and you didn't, and look what happened."[/color] The tone of his gravelly voice grew harder and louder with each word. He pulled his shirt over his head, but still faced away from Lucien as he stood there, fist's clenched and teeth grinding.