[h3][sub][center]Archie[/center][/sub][/h3][hr] Though he had only lived on the station for a short time now, Archie had very quickly memorized that station's layout. It wasn't exactly a [i]big[/i] place, after all. For what it was, as a space station? Enormous, but as school and training grounds? He was surprised that they had managed to fit a Best Buy in here. Not that he was particularly tech savvy. If there was one thing that Archie was good at though, it was sniffing out the best places to eat around. While roaming the sidewalks and street of the station a few days ago a nostalgic heart had led him to a small local called Café Kina. It had very quickly become one of his favorite places to eat. It was very similar to a Chinese dim sum atmosphere, and perhaps that's why he loved it so much. One look at the absolutely enormous list meant that there were always so many foods to try, which Archie supposed was a necessity given that there were relatively few options aboard, but the whole place [i]felt[/i] friendly. You would seat yourself, upon entering, or join a table if you were alone as he had been in the days before. A waitress comes by to refill tea and offer little snacks and desserts, and while reaching across the table to steal a bite might be frowned upon elsewhere, it was the normal here. The entire place seemed more friendly, in that sense. He remembered what he had overheard someone say in one of his previous visits: Friends don't let other friends order too much. It wasn't just a group of people talking over a meal—it was sharing. The door of the café suddenly opens, and a silvery bell above the frame jingles to announce the arrival of a new customer. Or, customers in Archie's case. The maitre d', a young Asian woman, smiles at him- immediately recognizing the young man's tanned face and unkempt hair. She wordlessly points towards a window booth, and Archie nods with a bright smile for her benefit. Archie grabbed a seat without much thought, and another person- a young Caucasian man this time, brings a teapot and several porcelain cups as company, one filled with white tea for him and the others empty. Archie was a romantic, and it was for this reason that he had found this place. It reminded him of home in a way. He would spend a lot of time in the all you can eat buffets and while this was certainly [i]not[/i] that, it was similar enough to have drawn him in. It's almost frustrating that the thought of home isn't as heartwarming or exciting as it used to be; instead, the mere thought of visiting that little island again make him painfully nervous, very different from how he had felt throughout his whole life up until a few weeks ago. All the shock has worn off now, and, having regained a somewhat clearer mind, Archie notices that a cautious barrier has intruded into his heart and mind, ready to intervene. Perhaps that's what happened when you spent your entire life in one place and then were suddenly thrust into outer space, ruined the first day, and discovered a dead body. It was like being roused from an amnesic dream— Archie remembers why he he was here in the first place, why he had been moved away from his home. It had certainly ensured a fresh start to a new life, and when he looked around himself it was more and more clear that [i]this[/i] was his new home. There was nothing left for him on Earth. Curiously enough, the thought of home is often associated with the thought of family. Having lost so many people in his life due to a variety of reasons, Archie had become incredibly familiar with the phrases 'home is not a location, it's a feeling', and that 'friends are family that you choose.' He watched Lynn enter first, with Natalie and Keaton just behind her, and realizes in that moment that they're probably the closest he's got aboard. It was a simple thing, but it’s also a lovely thought. Archie's gaze didn't waver from them until they are seated by him in the booth. He quickly snatches the teapot next to him and pours the steaming tea into an empty cup, sliding it over to Lynn- since she had sat down first. He had come to the realization that all of Lynn's movements since leaving the station had been stilted somewhat, marred by... nervousness? Caution? At least, more so than usual. The realization that this gang of misfits was all he had in the world (and off it) had taken from his own liquidity some. Well, at least this put them on equal footing. May takes a deep breath and gathers herself, inwardly scolding the heart now singing wildly in her chest, making itself known in the most obnoxious way possible. "Thanks for uh, looking out for me." he says quietly, giving Lynn a small smile. "Again." He's unsure of what to say after that, but thankfully another waitress drops some menus off for them. This is a good thing, because it made him feel less awkward and gave them something to focus on. He wanted so badly to earn this group's friendship, and he felt like he had been making great strides with Natalie, but Keaton and Lynn? Still mysterious And, if he did remember correctly from the first day, the one thing she and Archie indisputably shared was a love for food. "How did your inter- what was the word, interview right? How did your interview go?" Archie said, intermittently looking up between Lynn, Natalie, and Keaton from his menu, offering the question to any the would like to answer. [hr] [@Typical][@Silver Carrot][@He Who Walks Behind]