[b]The White Pearl[/b] [color=ed1c24]“As of that guy Scruffy,”[/color] Alesia grabbed the Sword of the Starry Night by the scabbard, carefully making sure that she doesn’t touch the Seastone Handle. Flint could hold that thing without a problem, [i]however…[/i] [color=ed1c24]“He’s a Devil Fruit user like us. That Sea Prism Stone, I’ll try if this could drown him.” [/color]Alesia tapped the lump of seastone on the former crew pet. It was almost like a reverse of how that fortune teller transformed. The white thick fur and the canines reverted back to that of a tall yellow haired man. The knottings of the ropes strained as his mouth and ears reshaped itself into the face of the fortune teller. The scar along his cheeks was more apparent in his human form. Arafael let out a yawn, his grey eyes squinting against the bright afternoon sunlight, taking a glimpse of the current surroundings. [color=ed1c24]“You’re at the Grand Line, Scruffy.”[/color] Alesia was surprised to see Arafael rather unfazed despite the seastone. She’d almost drowned the last time she touched that thing,[color=ed1c24]”How did you do that, its like that drowning stones didn’t do much to you…?”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Oh, thanks for the trip,”[/color] Arafael replied nonchalantly, [color=6ecff6]“Its just a matter of getting used to the feeling of drowning. There’re prisoners in Impel down who get cuffed in seastones for their whole life.”[/color][hr] Just then, a merchant ship was sighted from a distance. As they saw the White Pearl, the crew of the merchant ship quickly tackled their masts to make for the run from those pirates.