[@Kinith][@Heyitsjiwon] [b]"Or maybe you're just fighting something thrice your level?"[/b] Vasilisa leaned in, stroking the stubble on his chin. Honestly, for all its creepy viscosity, the blue slime was rather cute. It reminded him of those emoji blobs, just an unintrusive oval of cuteness, bouncing around and all. Didn't look like they'd hurt all that much, really. But alas, violent murder was one of the reasons he had wanted to try out Thalam to begin with, and with a wide, swinging gait, the Cleric strode right up towards the poor thing they were ganging up on. Hefting his cudgel onto his shoulder, he struck first like a golfer, a dipping blow that slammed right in the middle of the creature. There was surprisingly little feedback; it felt like hitting, well, a ball of slime. Almost disappointing, really. The momentum of the swing carried the club back up, before Vasilisa brought it down again, this time with just a vertical chop. The impact the cudgel made against the ground though, now that was satisfying. It brought shivers up his wrists, and a weird smile cut into Vasilisa's ruggedly handsome features. In society, he always had to hold back, to consider actions, to not punch a hoe when he wanted to punch a hoe. There were small methods to alleviate that boiling rage, sure, from stomping away or slamming a door shut...but no, physical violence definitely felt better. Who cared about Smite at this point? Vasilisa was going to fuck this little blue shit up! Like a sixteen year old girl with too much emotional baggage and daddy issues to address in a healthy manner, he raised and swung the cudgel down a third time, blue slime splattering as [b]15 damage total[/b] was dealt to the little creature. Then, he had a thought. [b]"Huh, so will we be killing 15 of these things altogether then?"[/b]