[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event [/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.[/b] [b]Marinalia Friday several minutes after Xia tried to call[/b] Marinalia had kept in touch despite her busy few days, keeping in touch via phone, the flights to Canada had taken a fair bit out of her even though she had tried to make up for her heavy week by getting Xia some genuine Canadian maple syrup in a maple leaf jar and sweets from Canada you cannot get in the US. Though Xia did not have Marlins sweetberg, she still wanted to try and treat her girlfriend with something nice. Managing to hand them over personally one day but lunch time seemed too short, and then gone. Video chat was nice in its own way, compared to really being there was definitely preferable. Still some of the things Xia had said made her a fraction worried somehow. There was no answer but just some of things, reactions. Even in the short time they been together did not quite click perfectly with the person she had got used to. The weekend working coming up definitely grated a little there. Saturday was a day off they usually shared despite there very very different jobs they did. Seriously, she wondered how despite being from completely different backgrounds and so. It all worked out fine. The conversation turned a little, ok now her concern meter rose the longer she heard. Deciding to answer in a time order. Right now it was the easiest way to to process things. Granted they only known each other for less than 3 months but yet gut instinct told her not to ignore things. Rarely was it wrong. She answered the missed call, a slight but audible concern in her accent clearly there. [i][color=f6989d]"Hey Cutie, I'm alright, just tired, just lost my formal cap... Gotta have it for tomorrow. Never wear it as I can never find it. "[/color][/i] Marlins random chat about the day suddenly turned more serious. Pausing completely she sat down on a loveseat that sat near her door onto the balcony cap forgotten entirely. Wandering did not clear her head. [i][color=f6989d]"Of course Xia, I'm working but family are welcome, so are girlfriends. Especially mine. I'm not canceling and not forgotten you. Work can wait for you, and that's that. We can talk, or wander home for a bit of you want privacy. Feeling. Just be careful my Cutie from the Caribbean. Please. I'm gonna sound silly talking to a message box... But just please. Please be careful if you think anything wrong. See you Saturday, just let me know when you get there. Let me know if you need anything, help, talk, a lift. Anything."[/color][/i] not to seem too crazy, she waited till Xia returned her call and started searching in the wardrobe for her cap... Not the rather less official air hostess one she found, her deadalus one. [b] Marinalia Saturday (morning at home, Hespestus manor Bedroom[/b] Marinalia had not slept as soundly as she would have liked, part of her was worried and watched for a call, she just hoped to get a reply if not Marlin just sent a text to see her at the Festival the night before and would let her know where she was or to look for the large rather obviously easy to find deadalus tent. Something was creeping, right now she was concerned but also a little pissed at whatever causing her harm. That was not her normal response. Where did that come from? Victoria and her family it came naturally but her protective streak was sneaking out, and it was comforting as unsettling as confusing. Unable to answer it and a morning of working on her day off, she instead grabbed a blouse and found her slightly more formal uniform skirt and the boards to attach once she got dressed in more than underwear and the diamond necklace she had pulled from her safe to wear today. Soon leaving before she could even think deeper looking in the full height [color=fff200][i]mirror with a twirl[/i][/color] to see, long blonde hair following her movements, yep. Ready. If only her feelings were so simple to come together. Her day began. [hr] Mentions Xia. (Times set in bold sections) [@King Tai]