Sylvia took the moment to catch her breath after Shortfang and Pylia finished off the last two trogs. The battle was won, but the war was still raging above. It was a good thing that she only used a little bit of her ki, just in case. She nodded to Pylia when she called out urgently. Before she followed however, she accepted the healing potion from Shortfang, and she answered him, "Thank you, Shortfang," before she quickly uncorked it and drank the contents of the potion. She could feel her wounds heal as the potion takes effect. She then hurried to the lever. Once she reaches the lever, she would grab the lever. She then looks to Buddy and she tells him, "If this is the lever that opens the gates for our friends, then break this after I pull. I don't want those trogs closing the gate on them again," She had a feeling that Buddy might be strong enough to break the lever after it's pulled. She then pulls the lever after she made her statement. [hider=Info]Sylvia quaffs the healing potion for [url=]9[/url][/hider]