[@Shadow Dragon] Ah, well, it looks like I've tried to steal your opponent. I suppose we may fight as well. I've noticed that your vampire can dodge lasers and crush boulders with ease. His character sheet mentions nothing of his approximate speed or strength, and what have you, so I'd just like to clear a few things up first so we may have an enjoyable match. Will his physical abilities be comparable to my own characters'? He can shapeshift at will but reverts if his concentration is disrupted. However, there is no specified limit on his shapeshifting abilities nor his mental concentration, thus should I assume he will or won't be able to cheese me by just turning into intangible matter or a fluid state that I would have little hope of attacking, and I should think there would be few things that could actually disrupt his will short of psychic attacks? He can copy powers, but what if the enemy he fights has tremendous psychic and supernatural resistances? Is there justification for some of their abilities being a bit 'too much' for him to copy or influence?