Everyone headed up to the lab proper. Carver waved to Sally as they passed her, quickly hiding a screwdriver under her vines as she did so. She planned to detach her legs, listen in on the adults' conversation, and then book it out of there before they could ask her any questions. Of course they would find this suspicious, but on the other hand, if she [i]didn't[/i] sneak out under all their noses, that would be out of character and even [i]more[/i] suspicious. Plus, she wanted to go update the other three on the situation. Doctor Finkelstein had gotten rather engrossed explaining to Jack what the devices on the table were and what they were measuring. He was using highly technical language that was confusing the concept more than clearing it up, too excited about the science to realize Jack wasn't really following. "We have some more guests, dear," Jewel interrupted. "Perhaps it might do for you to play the part of the listener, for a moment."