Meesei hummed to herself a moment, turning her eyes towards the people moving about the rest of the camp around them. "Many people may be better or worse at hiding their feelings, but I can say with confidence that almost everyone else here feels the same way. Invading Oblivion, well...there is a reason that Vile will not be expecting it. I am proud of all of our warriors for being brave enough to go through with this plan, despite their fear. You do have every justification to be afraid, Sabine, especially considering our role as the spearhead of our assault. But, you are also far more capable than almost anyone else in any of the armies here. You wield a kind of power that would make you the equal of the archmagisters of most magical guilds and societies. All these years, all of your effort, your has certainly not been wasted." Interrupting herself briefly, Meesei put her arm around Sabine and moved closer to her. "I wish I did not have to add to your worries, and I am sorry that I have. I stayed up half the night last night wondering if I was making the right decision, but...this is not a secret I could keep from you. It would not have been right to do so. And I know that, when it comes time for it, you will be able to focus. You are very experienced, Sabine, and we have fought together for so long that it will seem easy when the Daedra are right there in front of you. For now, it is okay to be worried; it is only natural."