[hr][hr] [center][h1]Aboard The Aegis[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [@Sep] & [@EliteCommander] Strevrols gaze flicked from the Huragok and back to McKay as he let out a small chuckle. "Just because we have the same outward appearance," He waved his tentacles for emphasis. "Doesn't mean we can talk to each other. Besides, judging from that cylinder the doctor has given us, I'd say my involvement in establishing communication with the creature is no longer necessary. A good thing really, especially since my people never used this "sign language" of yours. Being aquatic beings with fairly acute eyesight we originally communicated via changing the color of our skin, but ever since leaving our original home world oceans, we've lost the ability to do so. Our researchers have said our reliance on tech is why the gene that allowed for such communication slowly fell out of use but they digress into genetic technicalities so often, I have trouble remembering the specifics." Strevrols paused, giving the others a moment to absorb that information before continuing. "As for our histories... I will admit, we have stagnated greatly in the last few years. But when war comes, other things fade into the background, quickly forgotten." He said, taking on a somewhat grim expression as he turned to face McKay. It was a lie of course, though not entirely untrue. There was a long period of time in which his people had been technologically, culturally, and militarily stagnant as they had slowly clawed their way back to being a galactic power but those present didn't need to know that. "But enough of all that," Strevrols went on, the grim expression on his face disappearing as though it were never there to begin with. "Let us focus on the tasks at hand. Namely, improving this ship."