[h2][b]Thaz - Nal Hutta[/b][/h2] [hr] Thaz gave a good look at the wall that Samus pointed out. She was more agile than Samus seemed to think, and she was reasonably certain she would be able to get up on the wall by herself...though it would probably be difficult to do with the weight of her beam rifle on her back. Thinking about it, it would probably be best to get help with it, rather than risk drawing attention by falling back down on a stack of crates. "Hmm...okay, got it. Let's just try not to draw too much attention on the way over." Thaz answered. Thaz stuck close beside Samus as they moved towards the wall. As odd as Thaz assumed the pair looked, most people seemed to keep to themselves. Regardless, they did wait until they felt they were not being watched before Samus boosted Thaz up on top of the wall. As soon as she was up and had her footing, Thaz looked back down to Samus, gave a nod, then activated her active camouflage. "Okay, there seems to be a lot of places I can get to from up here." Thaz said through their comms. "You should probably scout out where the target is going to be, and I'll make sure I have a line-of-sight on it. Timing seems to be the big thing for this job, though. We're going to have to wait until Jerus has his target dead before I can take my shot, which means you're probably going to have to [i]keep[/i] the target in my sights until he does. Then not die to his bodyguards. That's important."