Taylor gave another long, silent look around the clinic. Even though it had never been to this specific place before, it still stirred up memories that Taylor thought it had abandoned long ago. In truth, it was something that it was not sure it even wanted to return to anymore. "My humanity." It answered. Taylor's delay did not last long. It stepped up just in front of William's chair, looking him over closely. He was not being readily forthcoming on whether or not he had other symptoms, though Taylor could, for the moment, give him the benefit of the doubt that his condition might be influencing his mental state. "I need to perform some tests on you. We don't know what your abilities did to you, what...injuries it might cause." Taylor extended a limb forward, its tendrils forming into a hand that it placed on his neck to check his pulse. "You have a very high body temperature. Is that normal for you? I want you to come with me. If you are not going to tell me your symptoms, then I'm going to take some blood tests, x-rays, and every other test this clinic has access to." Taylor turned its head briefly towards Darkspire. "How long can we stay here?"