"If I step away or break my concentration, the piglet will squeal for the parents again!" The druid called back to the archer, promptly explaining the situation. She was using some kind of empathic druid ability to keep the little one calm and docile, but in doing so she was also grounding herself to mostly one spot. If she stepped away or broke her focus, the tiny chub would squeal anew, and most likely the parents would be none too keen on that. Luckily, the archer's arrow drew some of the bigger pigs' attention, and when the large, hulking reptilian approached, their snouts flared and their eyes narrowed. His suggestion was a bit of a pipe-dream though. She might be fit and spry, but she wasn't some kind of ranger who could just tumble outo of the way of on-coming boar-charges or leap out of the way like a master assassin! She could probably dodge a thrown punch or a wide swing from an axe, but something that barreled at you with speed you could only hope to achieve? Not so much... Luckily though, the stench from the red lizard's body and weapon seemed to draw the parents away from the druid... Or at least one of them, namely the larger of the two. The papa boar wasn't too happy with this looming giant approaching his sow and babe, and now turned to prepare itself for an attack on the big fellow. The mother-boar was caught between keeping an eye on Druid Girl as well as on Steppe Archer, though slightly more focused on the former - since she was still close to the piglet. Meanwhile, the guardsman was cursing under his breath, asking whatever gods above why he always drew the short end of the stick. Displeased with his situation, the man hollered back to the trio. "You won't get paid extra for those! But if you gut the lot, you can keep them for yourselves!" Apparently though, he had no intention of helping, nor leaving his post to fetch equipment per the lizard's request. Apparently, following orders and not leaving his post was far more important than the lives of some three, random porcelain-ranks on ditch-duty. He didn't even make the effort to assist them himself. "Archer! Can you distract the mother a bit more? If she isn't looking, I can free the piglet and let it run off from here! That'll probably make them leave!" She called to her female companion. Then looking over at the galt who was now preparing to charge her reptilian ally, she called out to him as well. "Mr. Lizardman! Stay on your guard! Just keep the big male busy, okay? I'll heal any injuries you get, so just dance around and keep your distance for awhile!" She shouted, opting for a end-result where neither her allies, nor the boards, needed to die needlessly.