[quote=@XoXKieroBombXoX] [@Lugubrious] CS is finished. Let me know if revisions are needed. [/quote] Mostly relatively minor quibbles. The most glaring thing is that the blue color is difficult on the eyes. I would be happier if you changed it for something lighter at least. There doesn't need to be a N/A under Thunder in the Power List. In terms of story and spirits, the worlds were never in contact with one another outside of high-profile, official crossovers, so Black Mage would not know about the Beheaded/Prisoner/Fallen One (the name of the protagonist in Dead Cells according to the official wiki) or about the Mushroom Kingdom or any inhabitants. 'Specialty' is typically the job, role, or title the character excels at, which would probably be simple 'Mage' for your character. Other than that, he's mostly good. If you make those small adjustments you can post him in the characters tab, and I'll send you a PM shortly.