A few things first. - I don't care how you write as long as I can understand it and there's enough for me to build on. - I like sap in romances. Light bondage and plot grit is fine as long as there is sap and comedy to balance it out. - My muse is hit and miss these days so I'll need help with plots. Also I'm shit at thinking up conflict ideas in most cases. - My schedule is unpredictable and my old fart brain is forgetful and very ADD these days. I can't describe how much I hate being as such. Please keep me talking in ooc. Apologies for the baggage. My discord is running whenever I'm online. It's a lifeline. Feel free to pester me in it. - Looking for more story than smut. Adult scenes are fine when story appropriate. - I don't really have character pictures for any of my characters here. Pictures aren't required for partners either. I tend to prefer art to real, but honestly I don't really care either way. Onto the plot cravings. [hider=Modern Paranormal Romance / Female Human Pilot x Male Vampire Charter Passenger] [h3]The Plot[/h3] She is a charter pilot. Most of the time she does aerial tours and medevac, however on occasion, she fills in as a pilot on the corporate side of the business. He is a vampire hiding in plain sight as an ordinary businessman. His own private jet is unexpectedly down for maintenance. In order to get to several meetings he has for the night, he hires a charter service. To his surprise, his pilot for the night is a woman. She's daring, curious, and a bit too observant. Great qualities for a female pilot. Not so great when the passenger is a vampire in disguise. And yet... he can't help but toy with her curiosity. There's a chemistry that neither can ignore. She somehow figures out he's not human. Yet instead of being afraid, she's attracted to the challenge and danger of this new unknown. He's got his own reasons to avoid her. Yet he can't help playing into her. She's attractive not for her smell or her appearance, but rather her spirit. So he books her for more flights to draw out the game and see where it goes. It could get them both in trouble. Humans and immortals aren't supposed to mix like this. Vlad Dracul and his bride were made a most famous example of why. However, neither of them can help but wonder where this will go. [h3]OOC Musings [/h3] I plan to play the female in this. She is an old character from previous RPs. I only recently got the idea to play her in such a situation as fraternizing with a customer she’s hired to act as aerial chauffeur for. I have no idea who the guy is. He’s a mystery so player is free to create. I have no idea why he’s having people fly him places rather than teleporting himself. The how and why of this might make for an interesting device in character building. Where this story goes, I have no idea. Entirely open for plot building ideas. [/hider] [hider=Feudal Japan / A Clan Princess x Samurai Bodyguard ] [h3]The Plot[/h3] She is the cherished daughter of a Regional Lord. He is her father’s most loyal and trusted vassel, entrusted to keep her safe as war rages and tears the empire into pieces. She must tie the legacy of her clan to another for political reasons. This samurai bodyguard is charged to go with her and keep her safe at all costs. Along the way, feelings between them grow. Are they doomed to be forbidden lovers, or will fate present them a solution in all this mess? [h3]OOC Musings [/h3] I plan to play the samurai in this one. I’ve kinda left the plot open on this one. I do have ideas of further plot devices, but I would like to hear others too. I’m open to fantasy elements being added to this. Possibly open to fandom attachment. [/hider]