Zion observed the manticore. "We are not. I am Council Elder Zion, Lord of Hightower and of House Valorian." He frowned as he looked over his wings. "You will be safe here with us. I do believe Jivarn has a stable out in the back that would fit well for you. It used to house a Wyvern." He snapped his fingers and several shadows raced from his feet and around the building. A soft grinding noise could be heard. "When was thew last time you fed?" As Jay yelped, Rex had turned to him and went over to him. "Your pendant..." He grimaced, feeling it's effects spike and he quickly drew a bone rune, trusting his magic and throwing it at the pendant. It was a Perth rune that once touching the pendant, absorbed it, a small red dot appearing in it's center as Rex caught Jay and checked him over, Skuggi grabbing the rune and examining it. "Zion... Can you help me get him inside?" "Of course." Zion lifted the hunter easily and made his way inside. "Vex, see to your familiar, we will convene in the back plaza after I set the young hunter to bed." He walked into Rex's wing and set him in one of the guest beds. Jivarn entered and took his vitals, examining the rune that contained the pendant, observing several cracks in it's surface as it wasn't fully contained. "I should have taken his as well." The vampire grunted. "He shall be fine, will probably awaken hungry. Fae blood reacts very wildly to containment magics. Especially since draining them is particularly toxic. Wild Magic is poison to most." Jivarn took a sample of blood for study and headed to his lab where a shattering sound came from and Jivarn cursed in the old Tongue. Rex shook his head. "That was a bit intense... It felt like a burn... But necrotic." "It consumes magic." Zion shook his head. "I do not wish to see who made it but we might need more backup if we are to face Hunters armed with this..." He turned and headed out to examine the stables with Vex and see how to make Crash comfortable here.