UPDATE TIME: Will be wrapping up soon. I got the OOC mostly ready but I want to get my Characters up and running first. Character Sheet: [hider=CS] [b]Gender: [/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Origins:[/b] (Where are they from [b]Magic:[/b] (If they have any magic, describe it here. If its something listed, I will not expect a ton here but if it's a new form of magic then I expect there to be some information presented here that describes how the magic works.) -Strength (What are the strengths of your magic? Even if you are a fire mage you may accel in one area or another. Give a little detail) -Weaknesses(Leave blank) [b]Appearance: [/b] (No anime and if you do use a picture, just a brief written description will be all that is needed) [b]Personality:[/b] [b] History: [/b] (I don't need everything, just enough so that characters know a thing or two about your characters' life.) [b]Equipment: [/b] (Everything relevant.)[/hider]