Vex nodded when Rex and Zion took Jay off, Her face showed worry but she didn't rush to Jay's side like the boys. She glanced to Crash before she lead him towards the stables. The two walked in silence, Vex's mind going quickly now that she had Crash back. They got to the stables and Crash started to settle down. [i]"I'm not angry at you."[/i] Crash started, Vex looking at him with widened eyes. [i]"I was worried. I knew the Hunters would treat you badly, to think they found you when you were-"[/i] Vex moved to gently stroke her hand through Crash's mane. "Its okay." She started quietly, "I'm just happy you're okay. You're here and that's what matters to me." They sat in silence before Vex looked up towards Zion as he entered, "Is he okay?" She asked quietly. Crash settled in his spot, watching Zion enter as he swayed his tail- He moved his paw to gently touch it on Vex's foot. [hr] Wyf gave out a worried trill, following after Rex as the Vampires took her handler inside. She fluttered around the room before settling near Jay, moving to burrow her head under his hand quietly. Jay's breathing was soft but stable, when the rune was placed on the necklace his body seemed to relax and he seemed to be in a sleeping state. It didn't take too long until Jay started to stir after Jivarn left, his eyes moved under his eyelids and he let out a low grumble. "I don't like that." He mumbled to himself, moving his hand to touch his head, only to have Wyf coil around his hand and keep it over her.