"What I say ? Well... I'd say that I'm not worried about traveling, but more about the lich. Have you even a glimpse of an idea about how difficult it can be to take down a lich ? I'd say that four people are the absolutely and bare minimum we'll require and that is only if all of those four are very talented to say the least. In some way or the other at least..." Vadym could only wonder why not more ressources were to be allocated to that task. Had the administration really become so rotten in these lands that nobody but some small private trader cared about this ? [hr] "No, you're tiny!" the gargoyle answered more spontaneously then very well thought about. In immediate retrospect his words probably only helped to aggravate the situation. "Well then, let's see..." The gargoyle grabbed the rope tying up Blake's hands as carefully as he could. It barely took more than a very easy looking movement for his claw to split it into two much less restricting pieces. "That was easy. The question is... who did this to you ?"