☣ Z Nation ☣ [centre][img]http://www.znation.it/web/images/znscudo.png[/img] [hider=Read me before you *JOIN* in] [color=tan]Hello there and welcome to Z Nation! For those of you who don't know, Z Nation was a show that took place in a world ravaged by zombies, however there was one distinct difference from most zombie shows, it was funny as much as it was serious, and was filled with hilarious bullshit. Unfortunately they had their last season and for a show I loved, that was a real shot to the heart. So I have decided to open a roleplay that I hope will bring the show back to life with endless bullshit, funny situations, and off course the seriousness that brought the show together. If you have watched the show than great! If not than you are still more than welcome to join on in and get into some weird shit. That said please read on below! As you will see, this is a jump in style roleplay. Wanting to keep with the random encounters that made the show great, you do not have to fill out any kind of bio. *BUT* what I would like you to do is supply a picture of your character with there name. Please feel free to take up a space in the character tab, post their picture and their name, and if you feel extra creative please feel free to add to their bio as the story goes along. Instead of starting with a fully made bio, we will create them as we go instead. Below is a simple format you can use above your posts, feel free to make up your own if you want! [/color] [code][centre][hr.][hr.][color=Choose a color][h2]Name:[/h2][/color][/centre] [img]Your chosen image[/img] [hr.][hr.][/code] [url=https://htmlcolorcodes.com]Color Codes[/url] [url=https://www.1001fonts.com]Fonts[/url] [/hider] [/centre]