Lock, Shock, and Barrel were down in the lair. Lock was helping Barrel with drum practice, now that they were sure their trick wouldn't last much longer anyway. He actually took Lillith's advice and tried to be more patient, with...mixed results. Barrel switched between playing better and upping his antics to try to get a rise out of him. Shock was in the living room area with a comic book and ignoring them. She perked when she heard something between Barrel's sets and got up to check behind one of the old torture devices pulled in here for storage. She listened a second time to be sure she heard it correctly before responding. "All clear," she said. In the room over, she heard Lock forcibly trying not to lose his cool as he once more went over the current set with Barrel. Shock frowned when she noticed Carver's missing legs. That combined with the lightning strike not too long ago told her enough. Carver had something to report, had to escape quickly to report it, and she had a decent guess as to what it was. "They finally figured it out," she said.