[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3iywwTz.png[/img] [h2][color=black]Balthier D. Sydney[/color][/h2] [b]Docks[/b] Direct interactions with [@ladyonyx04][@KillBox][/center] Balthier's bullets erupted in little bursts of blood and light with each impact on Jōichirō's back. His Haki much lessened the impact, but Balthier's proved to be the stronger. Balthier noticed the scattering of light, confirming his suspicions about this man being a logia user. Worse, he knew of that fruit's former owner. It was, after all, very very famous. The Glint-Glint fruit, formerly eaten by Navy Admiral Borsellino. [color=black][i]What a powerful fruit to be in the hands of some dumb kid.[/i][/color] He thought. He was counting his shots, so he knew when his gun was almost out of bullets. He fired slowly until there was two shots left. He was now within five meters of the man, who's attention was focused on the girl and seemed to be preparing some kind of technique. Balthier was almost impressed by the man's balls in ignoring him, but what kept him from any admiration was the fact that it was so incredibly stupid. [color=black]"What an idiot."[/color] He sighed. He raised his pistol and shot him in the head.