[img]https://sites.google.com/site/thekrynneffect/_/rsrc/1461867750941/places-of-krynn/sla-mori-secret-way/tale-of-the-shadow-dragon-of-sla-mori/image001.jpg[/img] [b]Ceylor[/b] Ceylor are a breed of dragon that are found primarily on cliffsides or in high-elevation mountain peaks. They live in very small groups of maybe 2-3 and are rarely seen by people due to their remote habitats and the fact that they are nocturnal. Typical prey is usually mountain dwelling creatures (goats, mountain lions, large game) and oceanside ones tend to feed on aquatic life. Ceylor are much much smaller than other breeds of dragon. Their full grown size is close to the size of an adult moose and have a slim, sleek, agile build. Unlike larger dragons, they are not heavily "armored" and their scales are matte and smooth. Their bodies are lithe, muscular, and they are not very 'spiky', except a few small spines around the head. The scales are black and because they are matte and close fitted they tend not to reflect light, which makes Ceylor excellent night-stealth hunters. Their claws and teeth are dark, not white/ivory, and their eyes are deep orange. They do have small, thin, bioluminescent stripes along their body/face. They don't glow very brightly and in the daytime it looks almost more like a reflection than light produced. It's something that can be turned 'on and off' so to speak, and they use it to communicate amongst themselves. The stripes are red. Being smaller and 'unarmored', Ceylor are more vulnerable and less intimidating than larger breeds. However, as a tradeoff, they are extremely fast, agile, and almost fluid in the air. Their roar is has a dual tone, as if two voices are crying out at once in harmony, one deeper and one shrill and sharp; the sound tends to trend more towards sharp than deep. Ceylor do breathe fire, but they can't paint a target with a continuous stream, rather, they spit a little singular jet or fireball.