[h1] Leslie Sobero [/h1] General Vresco was an unmistakable figure to any soldier, and his presence instantly ratcheted her attention up another notch. Whatever this was, was going to be significant. After a quick salute, and settled in to listen to the general. Eyes and ears forward, she absorbed every word they said. Some of these incidents she had heard of from the news, but the idea that they were connected would've sounded like a conspiracy theory. But then again one of the highest ranked officers in the nation had just told them they were about to launch an international operation over it. She was, on paper, green as hell, even if that same paper said she was highly trained. Someone must've put in a very good word for her. It kinda figured that after a year of waiting she'd be assigned to some spec-ops spy thriller mission that would likely be as off the books as a dirty joke . Still, she wasn't about to step down, and it seemed like the five other soldiers with here weren't either. "Count me in sir, didn't become an engineer to say 'No'." She looked around the room again. "But if that's all you have for now, I should get my kit ready and settle in, don't want to be unprepared when it's go time." [hr] Using her pebble and the ship's network, it was an easy matter to find her bunk and stow her pack. Giving the bear a quick 'Hello', she headed to the armory. It was also simple enough to find the armory and give the quartermaster her load-out list to reserve, the explosive charges requiring extra care to get ready. She'd have to come back to inspect them herself, just to make sure they were properly assembled. Contrary to what cartoons and pop culture showed, the mad bomber types didn't last long with explosives, nor would those that were overly nervous about them. As her instructor, a ferret with a prosthetic had said, 'one has to handle these with the same ease as a baker handles dough'. Leaving the configuration of her GEAR until they got more information, she decided to look for that cup of coffee that everyone else had gone in search of. By the time she got to the mess hall, the rest of the new squad had formed and were already talking. [quote=@Ramjammer] She smiled, softly and gazed at everyone seated around her. "So please, if you're hurting now, or you start hurting later just let me know. I'm here to treat you and make your lives easier. Not judge." [/quote] Sitting down with a lukewarm cup of coffee that was more creamer than coffee, and a handful of sugar cubes, she sat down across from the Ibex. "Sorry I'm late," she said with a light-hearted tone. She put a sugar cube in her mouth and dank enough coffee to dissolve it completely, all in one go.The sugar didn't help mask the bitterness at all, and she grimaced after finishing. "Anyway, my name is Leslie. Nice to meet you all." Popping another sugar cube into her mouth, she continued. "I'm a Combat Engineer. If you need a door blown open, a trench dug, or just any sort of obstacle removed, I'm your gal."