[center]I am looking for a few partners to create some wonderful stories with. I am new to the site, but I am not new to roleplaying as I have been roleplaying for a few years now. I have a few ideas I have been tossing around in my head that I would like to share, but before I do, here is a basic set of rules and preferences that I have.[/center] [list][*] My writing length varies with my roleplays. Sometimes I write long pages and at others, just a few paragraphs. It depends on what the situation calls for. That being said, I require that you write at least two paragraphs per post. [*] 18+ only as I tend to have mature themes in my roleplays.  [*] I am graduating from college in the spring and as a result have been very busy as of late with school so I am not always able to put out lightning quick responses. There are times where I post 2 or 3 times a day, and there are times when it takes me a little over a week to respond. That being said I am very lenient with posting frequency as long as you keep me updated and try to get at least 1 post up a week. [*]All my roleplays must have romance in them. It is a must for me because that is what I enjoy to write. However, I don't like stories that revolve purely around smut. I don't care to write mature scenes, but I also want a plot and well thought out characters. [*] All I ask in terms of writing abilities is that you have decent grammar, spelling, and that you put forth an effort. Although, I do write quite a lot on occasion, so if you get overwhelmed by long responses, I am probably not the partner for you.  [*] I don't like to use faceclaims for my characters, but you are welcome to use them if you wish. [*] MxF pairings only. [*] I play both male and female characters. Which one I play depends on the idea and inspiration that I get. [*] I prefer to write in pms. [*] If you are interested in roleplaying with me, please send me a pm rather than answering in the comments.[/list] [b][u]Idea #1[/u][/b] [Hider]During the Red War, the King of Valdor had a young general who led his men through victory after victory, defeating each of the King's enemies with an almost inhuman determination. Once the war ended after much bloodshed, the King made the general retire early and bestowed upon him the title of Lord and all the advantages that came with it. Any other man would have been grateful for such a rise in station, but the general was a man of action who had no idea or interest in how to be a lord. To keep him grounded, the King arranged a marriage between him and the daughter of another lord with whom the King was well acquainted. The daughter, while stunningly beautiful, had no interest in marriage. She had found ways to keep herself from being married since she first became of age, despite her father's insistence that she do so. When she discovers that she has been forced into a marriage she cannot escape, it is safe to safe that she is less than pleased. Especially when she learns she is betrothed to the infamous general of the Red War. The bastard son of a noble and a common woman who is rumored to be callous and cruel. - For this roleplay, I would like to play the male role of the former general, while you take the role of the lady he is betrothed to. [/hider] [b][u]Idea #2[/u][/b] [hider]When the King of Alynthia dies in a mysterious accident, his eldest daughter takes the throne as he never had a son. With enemies surrounding her kingdom, the new queen is forced to marry a rich and powerful man so that she can use his wealth and authority to better protect her kingdom. When she marries, she thinks her husband only wanted the title of King, and while that was true, his main objective was to get a closer look at the royal castle that has been rumored to be enchanted for centuries. During his search to discover the secrets of his new home, he unknowingly releases the magic that had been locked away for years along with the man that had been trapped with it. As the young King and Queen find themselves becoming closer as time passes, they must fight to protect their kingdom, and each other, from the human and magical forces that rally against them. - I can play the role of the new King or Queen for this roleplay. Whatever role you prefer to play, I will take the other.[/hider] [b][u]Other Interests[/u][/b] - Romance stories involving football, baseball, boxing, or mixed martial arts. - Anything with kings, knights, or warriors. - Greek, eygptian, or nordic mythology. - Phantom of the Opera (original characters only) - Historical Romance - Native American Tribes - Westerns - Slice of life