The character Alex was forced to play as was Daisy, an embarrassment to his Greenskin kin due to his kind, fun-loving, and non-aggressive persona. As a child, he would frequent the nearby flower beds and appreciate the scenic view beside their village. He was eventually exiled from his clan and forced to wander the world without a purpose. Daisy would soon learn his knack for what he perceived to be pacifism. As a self-proclaimed envoy of peace, he would intervene when he could and put to an end ongoing disputes before they escalated any further. Strangely, he achieves this not through words, but force. .......... It was launch day and Alex couldn't find it in him to feel excited. It was hard to blame him given the circumstances he was in. There he was, an oaf of a character with a personality he had to portray. Alex had zero information on his boss' character or if there were others like him. His boss did mention that he would always be watching; even if that was a bluff, Alex had to regularly submit recordings of his gameplay. With no other choice, it was time for Daisy to take over. Upon hearing the quest given to him, Daisy immediately replied to the NPC before heading in deeper inland to begin his hunt. "Miss Tu Tauri Al, leave it to me! I shall put an end to this slimey plague and restore the paradise that is Bellview." It was stupid and an exaggeration, but Alex couldn't risk it. He had to put on a show; messing up this early on wasn't an option. Although appearing carefree as his avatar skipped across the grassy plains, Alex was already reading the chatlogs to get hints in how to finish his quest in an easier manner. While stopping to smell the flowers around him, Alex used this to gather information from other players. The lower level slimes were located far from the shore; that's where he needed to go. A hop, skip, and a jump later, he found himself facing a Green Slime. With weapon in hand, he charges towards the unsuspecting slime, hoping to bludgeon it to death. "May your sins be forgiven in the afterlife, gelatinous one!" Although not apparent, Alex was cringing on the inside. And if you were curious, aside from the tasks given to him by his boss, there were several optional ones. One of which was to start each fight with his a reckless charge. Why would Alex do something so stupid? Well, the more optional tasks he accomplishment, the better his reward becomes. It was sad, but he wanted the money. .......... As he ran forward, Alex noticed one of the recent messages in the global chat. It was regarding a party request, it was a player who een by the name of Relica. This was exactly what Alex was looking for. [code]DAISY SENT A INVITE TO RELICA TO FORM A PARTY[/code]