[@Lugubrious] Hey, sorry for missing this post. But I think I'm gonna drop. I've been too distracted to give this RP the attention it deserves. Maybe Din decides to retire in Lumbridge. Maybe she sees someone she actually knows and stays with them, or just wants to hang out with Menat and live a civilian life, taking care of Linkle's cuccos until she returns. She could relinquish her Storm Eagle spirit to Peach to give to anyone who wants it, and might teleport back to the castle to give the keyblade back to the Master of masters, if that's even possible. Or if anyone really likes Din, feel free to adopt her. Obviously she's not an original character so I don't mind if anyone 'steals' her. Anyways, sorry for dropping. It's been a fun ride, and you're one of the most dedicated and consistent GM's I've met, and the rest of y'all are great, drama-free fellow players. I won't unsubscribe from this thread just yet in case anyone needs me to help wrap up any loose ends.