The hammer did more damage than the ghost probably wanted it to, but he seemed more impressed at the flaming swords, even if they seemed... a bit less effective than the hammer. As he blocked the attack with his wrists, he commented "Say... you... do realize what you've done, right? Typically, one would require a rune to do such a thing, but you seemed to do it naturally. You probably would have made a fine squire if I were still alive," the ghost then looked around while he muttered "Now where is my weapon...?" as if he didn't quite realize that I didn't exactly come with one of those. His attention then turned towards Shaula once she shouted about 'emitters', and asked "Ore... what? Emitters? What in the universe are you talking about, madam?" this, on top of the confusion from not having a weapon seemed to make him miss his opportunity to attack, and even caused him to miss the ring of light that was surrounding Mia and some of the allies who were near her. He just kept shaking his head, going from asking where his weapon might be to muttering about how he's never heard of oregone in all of his years. Meanwhile, Trevor was still trying to force the ghost out from the inside, though, something told him that it wasn't going to happen until someone beat him up, unfortunately, since that also meant Trevor would get beat up, as well. [color=2e3192][i]Hang in there, team... and I think I'm starting to figure out how everyone actually works as one... Shaula's the distraction, Mia's the healer, Celina's a back-row mage, and both Jason and I are the front-liners... if she just keeps messing with him, he might never even get a turn.[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he kept trying to regain his body... to... no obvious effect.