[hr][hr][center][h1][color=FB5A7E]Leighton Brooks[/color][/h1][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DecentFlippantAbyssiniangroundhornbill-size_restricted.gif[/img][hr][color=FB5A7E][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Cherry Bomb - Washington D.C. [color=FB5A7E][b]Skills[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] Leighton would have implored that Sunshine, out of ALL of them, be the one with a credible fake I.D., but if she didn't want help, who were they to press it? After all, given the girl's nature, Leighton was sure she would fuck up the mission in some fashion or another anyway. At least she could help keep Max under control. She wouldn't dare try to do the same for the girl. Once they pulled up, everyone made their way inside to get situated. Leighton pocketed the I.D. and followed Max inside. But Max stopped and nearly collided into him. She gave him a troubled look until Max posed his question. So that was what was bugging him. She could have easily guessed, given recent events. Leighton herself had been struggling with her own answers to the question. The way he posed it was kind of cute too. An easy way to discuss their predicament but cautious should wandering ears hear them. [color=FB5A7E]"Well as someone who has not taken this extracurricular until recently, I feel in over my head. I do not know if it was the right choice or even if I can handle it, but that's life, isn't it? It's a series of trying to find your place amongst others and hoping you don't fuck it up. And even if you do, you know, fuck it up, it doesn't make you a bad person. If anything, it makes you human. And recognizing when shit hits the fan and feeling bad about it makes you one of the better humans. Now, let's get inside. I need a drink."[/color] She took Max's hand and led him inside. She scanned the crowd, noting where her team was. She gave a hard look at the man Jack was talking to, but she made her way over to the bar. She sat down and gave a hearty sigh. [color=FB5A7E]"God, the day I had. I need a Cosmo, please,"[/color] she asked a bartender, having her I.D. out at the ready, should they ask. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=9A86AD]Anastasia Reinhardt[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/2a471cc0cd00bdbfb5df1fc3fa679f39fb498a35/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f31536f304c466d433132693244673d3d2d3632373836383137382e313535316161373631386531393564643438323930343139383539322e676966[/img][hr][color=9A86AD][b]Location[/b][/color]: Hellfire Club [color=9A86AD][b]Skills[/b][/color] Morality Manipulation[/center][hr][hr] If jealousy was a flavor, Ana guessed it would be minty flavored. Perhaps chocolate mint chip or something. God, she would give anything to have a taste of it right now as she was appointed to her new position. Step One was done, so it seemed Step Two was a go. She gave a courteous nod to the Three-In-One, noting that their words didn't so much as match their face, but she couldn't give any more of a hoot if she tried. Business was complete. As much as she would enjoy hearing about this mutant homeland, it sounded dreadfully boring and plain. Wasn't that the intent of any mutant worth their salt? To have a place to feel safe, especially nowadays? And Jinx decided to throw a hissy fit because the most deserving got what she deserved. It pleased her though. If Jinx felt he played even the smallest part in what occurred, let him think it. [color=9A86AD]"I shall go with him on the train mission. I accepted it and I should see it through. Tie up loose ends as you see fit."[/color] She locked eyes with Emma, giving her a look that she was about to send a message her way. Emma would be able to hear her thoughts. [color=9A86AD][i]"Do it if you wish. I will clean up the mess and take care of the other one later."[/i][/color]. She turned to make her way to the elevator, and let whatever happens, happens.