[h2][center]The Ruins[/center][/h2] The explosion of the bomb had indeed sent the trio of attackers reeling, stunning them momentarily as they were pushed back from the concussive force. Their armor seemed rather worse for the wear, but given that they were skeletons, one might have found it strange that they could be stunned by the blast in the first place. Regardless, though, the attack had left them wide open for follow-ups, so long as they attempted to regain their footing. The necromancers, in comparison, were faring far less pleasantly against the fox-eared girl. Their attempts at restraining her had ended in complete failure, and the moment that one of their own had been impaled, the rest of their number immediately moved to retreat from the area. The one that had been stabbed seemed to resist, if only for a moment, before the weapon was removed and they fell to the ground. The clatter of bones made it clear what it was under those robes, but the demise of their comrade seemed to do little to shake the rest of his number. At once, they each unfurled a set of scriptures and, as they began to glow, pointed towards the girl who was standing in their midst. Seemingly out of nowhere, a massive horde of skeletons began to drag themselves out of the stone, acting as attempted deterrents to stall even a second longer. It was clear how wholly unmatched they were, of course, but even those who had surpassed death could feel dread at such overwhelming power. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Crusader Lord]