[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmUyMjgxMi5WR2hsSUZabGJuVmwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-italic.png[/img][/center][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUyMjgxMi5TR1ZoWkdWa0lGUnZkMkZ5WkhNZ1FXNXViMjVoSUVOdmJHOXVlUSwsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-bold.png[/img][/center] [Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY1ZTIwZi5USFZqWVhNZ1VubGtaWEksLjAA/smoothy.regular.png[/img][/Center] [hr] Lucas knew about Lycoris's design malfunction with Oliver, and he knew that it ended in the death of its test pilot. But he wasn't afraid of her. In a way he had her to thank for being able to create Sowerberry at all. She was the one who made the first step towards making a 3rd generation mobile suit. She was the one who set up the everpresent naming theme for the prototypes. She was the one who had made the first mistake and paid the price... [color=fff200]"I um... I know that the early tests with Oliver didn't go so well"[/color] He started awkwardly [color=fff200]"But that's the kind of thing that happens with prototypes and new technology. I don't think I'm technically supposed to tell you about this but, the first time we tested Sowerberry's heavy servomotors we pulped some of the internal machinery."[/color] Lucas paused to collect his thoughts. He was trying to be supportive, and in a way, it was strange for him to see Lycoris present even a hint of vulnerability. [color=fff200]"There's a saying I like, that I read in the library. "Failure breeds success." It might not sound like the most encouraging thing but... what it means is that failure is what leads you on the path towards success. When Sowerberry crushed its own arm, I learned that I needed to reinforce and protect the innards. I'm not sure entirely what happened with Oliver but... You had your failure, and now it's time for your success, as long as you learned from it."[/color] [color=fff200]"And all of those other things besides, We named all our suits after Oliver Twist. So where would we be without Oliver?"[/color] He smiled and tried to lighten the mood. Before ehe could make any jokes his watch beeped. He checked the time and was surprised to see that it was approaching the time for the Venue to land. [color=fff200]"Looks like the Venue is docking soon. I need to clean up and put on my dress clothes real quick."[/color] Lucas turned to walk away, but paused for a moment and turned back. [color=fff200]"I know we are rivals and all... but I really hope they allow Oliver into the Expo. Good luck Lycoris"[/color] After saying his piece Lucas walked away for real, headed to his room to prepare his dress clothes. [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmY3MmIyYi5SVzFwYkdsaElHZGhiR3h2ZDNNLC4x/ordeal-eroded.regular.png[/img] [i]Annona Colony[/i] [hr] Emilia kept as tightly information as she could. Marching in seemingly perfect harmony with the other members of her line. Even as her hands shook with excitement and twitched the handles of her mobile suit. Soon the Venue was supposed to dock, there was supposed to be a parade and nobles, along with the princess herself was supposed to walk out and- [color=ed1c24]"Slow down"[/color] one of the members of her line snarled into the radio. [color=f6989d]"I- I'm sorry."[/color] Emilia stammered, getting back into formation