I have now posted. He is a powerful dude of my three X-Men Bois. [hider=Joziah Felmor] [hider=FC] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f3/e0/46/f3e0465e2fa984d01d50c9dee5f84edf--michael-trevino-youtubers.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center][color=violet][i]”Call me Z it's easier to say.”[/i][/color] [color=purple][i]”No I'm fine. This is my normal voice.”[/i][/color] [sub][color=Green][b]Face Claim —[/b][/color] Michael trevino | [color=violet][b](Happy and Jovial) — Violet[/b][/color] [color=purple][b](Cold and calculative) — Purple[/b][/color][/sub] [/center] [color=violet][b]Name[/b][/color] [indent]Joziah Johnathan Felmor "Z" "JoJo"[/indent] [color=violet][b]Superhero Alias[/b][/color] [indent]Psyker[/indent] [color=violet][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]19, August 1[/indent] [color=violet][b]Sex[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=violet][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/color] [indent]?Psionics? Females probably, males maybe[/indent] [color=violet][b]Hero Connection[/b][/color] [indent]Joziah has connection to Jean Grey as she became the guardian/mentor over him as they have a very similar power.[/indent] [color=violet][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [indent]He stands at around 6 feet tall, weighing 175 lbs, he is of a medium muscular build, blue eyes, and has black hair and a thin beard. He wears a gold rosary with his Mother's and Father's name engraved into it. His eyes shine a bright purple when his power activate, and after prolonged use his veins will start to glow a slight purple.[/indent] [color=violet][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] [indent] [center][u]♦ [color=6ecff6]Fun-Loving[/color] ♦ [color=red]Hard-Hearted[/color] ♦ [color=6ecff6]Jovial[/color] ♦ [color=red] Quick Tempered[/color] ♦ [color=6ecff6]Passionate[/color] ♦ [color=red]Hard-headed[/color] ♦[color=6ecff6]Intelligent[/color] ♦ [color=red]Insincere[/color] ♦ [color=6ecff6]Protective[/color] ♦ [color=red]Façade[/color] ♦[/u][/center][/indent][hider=More info][indent] Normally he is nice and a fun-loving guy as he is quite Jovial and happy go lucky. He always tries to put a smile on others faces and tries to help in anyway he can as he loves to watch people be happy. He finds breaking rules to be quite a fun idea but has never tried as he was never given the chance. Joziah can be easily angered as he dislikes people who do not show dedication, a harmful aggression to others, and people who put others into blatant harm. With this Joziah's bad nature comes out as he is quite callous, unfeeling, aggressive, and calculative this is his more natural state and nature, it can sometimes leak into his façade as a fun and jovial guy. His naturally cold nature actually comes from his heightened sensory awareness as his mind is constantly getting an incredible amount of data, so his emotions became very dulled to allow for the data to be processed more smoothly. And his façade was created when Jean was readjusting him to his powers, so he can become a better and happier person who wasn't controlled by their power. This hasn't became his norm yet as he is still adjusting to his power and emotions. This has not hampered his love and fascination for things, as these are some of the more important emotions for humans. He has many dreams now, to become a hero, have Jean's approval of him, and a few others (to be found later).[/indent] [/hider] [color=purple][b]Secret Origin[/b][/color] [hider=Secret] [indent]Joziah was born to Karla and Joshua Felmor who are neither hero nor villain they were just mutants who want to live a normal life. During Joziah's upbringing he was treated slightly different as he had some strange quirks about his blunt and emotionless persona, yet he didn't mind as he loved his family and they supported him in his love for reading and boxing. When he turned 14 he saw as his parents die. This was when his psionic powers fully manifested. From this display of power he was picked up by the Xavier's school for gifted youngsters to be put under the care of Jean Grey as she had gone through the same trauma and wields similar powers. During this time he had gotten to know Jean as she took care of Joziah and helped him get into understanding his power more. Here he made a few friends as he did have some good time and was agreeable, he just didn't come to great terms with some as he was a very strange person and had a very blunt attitude. He left the school to go Mobius as it would broaden his horizon, but then also allow him to understand the bigger world of being a hero. Leaving Jean and the school to now set out to be a hero and maybe join the X-Men officially.[/indent] [/hider] [color=violet][b]Family Tree[/b][/color] [indent] Karla Shelies Felmor- Mother Joshua Johnathan Felmor- Father The person who inspired and guided Joziah into become a hero: [img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.0MHSfUKy70Q7DEFD5BYjvQHaJ3&w=178&h=237&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7[/img] Jean Grey/Pheonix, Joziah's mentor/guardian. [/indent] [color=Red][b]Abilities[/b][/color] [indent][u]Telekinesis, the ability pull, push, move, and manipulate objects, materials, and molecules (Advanced):[/u] [hider=Powers] - Telekinesis, to move and manipulate objects and items. With this he can lift cars with ease and with his control he can manipulate a paint brush and paint a picture with ease. He is able to use his telekinesis to lift himself and move around at a fast speed of 50 mph (safely). (Adept) - Pyrokinesis, the production and control of fire. His fire he produces is a darker red flame that burns at 15,000 degrees Fahrenheit (this is six times the needed heat to melt steel). He can make this flame become many different shapes to attack with. Mimicking weapons to attack, or even just using raw fire to melt and destroy most things. (Adept) - Electrokinesis, the production and control of electricity. His electricity has the same power as a lightning bolt, after five continues seconds this energy is met. (Adept) [/hider] [u]Telepathy, the ability to read thoughts, control thoughts, and to attack the mental mindscape (Advanced):[/u] [hider=Powers] - Psionic Blast, he can assault the mind with psionic energy causing headaches, heavy mental strain, and in some cases knocking them unconscious through causing damage to the uncovered mind. (Adept) - Telepathic communication, he can send thoughts to others and read their thoughts as long as they are within 100 feet of him. He can send his thoughts farther but he will be unable to hear a response, after 200 feet based on the size of the response, and the message must be shorter as a result. (Basic) - Mind control, he is able to shift and control the thoughts of people. He can shift some permanent memories as well yet these will slowly shift back over a full 24 hours. The depth of this shifting can go up to manipulating feelings, ideas, and the people involved. (Adept) - Heightened sensory awareness (HSA), all of his senses are heightened from his psionics constantly sending him a heightened amount of sensory data, giving him a sixth sense of anything with in his sensory range (15 feet). This power is strong enough to send his body multiple warnings on what enters and exits his area, this has even began to develop as an automatic response system when being attacked in close range. (Advanced) [/hider] [u]Physical: The power of the physical body, the abilities having to do with physical power over mental or metaphysical.[/u] [hider=Abilities/limits] - Boxing Training, being interested in boxing ever since he was a kid he has spent quite a bit of his time studying and learning boxing and even becoming a master in boxing as he has taken up multiple styles, one of his favorite is the rope-a-dope style and the open sway back, made popular by Mohamed Ali. Giving him an open and loose stance and using his HSA to allow himself to evade and move easily while keeping open for him to counter strike. - Strength, he is strong as he is able to lift 170 lbs with ease, Max:(280 lbs) and he can throw punches above his weight class as he has went toe-to-toe with heavy weight boxers and fired off shot that could be described as heavy. - Speed, he is a fast man who can run at a comfortable 10 mph and sprint at a solid 15 mph. - Endurance, his stamina is incredible as he can run miles with ease and has taken beating in boxing rings plenty of times without ever getting knocked out. - Dexterity, his hands eye coordination is great, and his flexibility is marvelous for him to constantly shift his weight and body in dodging attacks and shifting his body in strange ways to land hits. - Reaction, his reaction speed is superb as his HSA gives him plenty of warnings on what is in his area and anything entering his area, giving him a powerful sixth sense that he always has trusted. [/hider] [u]Mental: the power of the mind. the strengths and the limits of the mind and the human spirit.[/u] [hider=Abilities/limits] - Smarts, always being an avid learner he has always found many subjects interesting giving him quite a bit of knowledge in many regards. In History, Science, and Literature he has gain knowledge on par with a third year college major in each regard, yet his focus has always been literature as he fell in love with stories of old heroes (Arthurian not Tony Stark), and how they have been shaped and shifted over the years. - Mental acuity, being clever and adaptable has always been a strong suit of Joziah as he has always seems to know what to do next, and even if he didn't have the answer his acuity is good enough to start forming ways to solve the problem. - Mental fortitude, being a telepath has made his mental fortitude strong, but his mental fortitude also increased at a constant rate as his psionics grew to the point where he can live normally with his HSA firing off and still using multiple psionic abilities in tandem. - Willpower, he has an insane will power as he has worked through the hardship of mental over work and body fatigue from boxing matches, while he has still trained his abilities and fought in boxing matches, just for his love of boxing and his wish to live up to Jean's expectation. [/hider] [/indent] [/hider]