Adoniram smirked when he saw that both of the individuals speaking had bounties. He stood up shortly after he'd captured a picture of the second person and thought to himself that they must be quite popular. He tucked the device into his vest and laid down a ten credit tip on the counter before moving away and passing effortlessly and with grace through the dancing crowd. He passed through the two bouncers, one of them gave him a nod, the other remained silent. He moved through the bustling hallways of cloud city for about fifteen minutes before finding a taxi terminal and taking a half hour ride back to his apartment. He stepped out of the cab and casually tossed in a hundred credit chip. (This city's gonna bleed me dry) the thought crossed his mind as he entered his room with a security card. The room was a mess, a living room, kitchen and bedroom all combined into one with the mess from one "room" seamlessly carrying over into the next. He sat down in a wheely chair and twirled slowly, considering his next move. He soon found himself wandering his apartment, opening a fridge with nothing in it, laying down and getting back up, turning on a holo-television and turning it back off. "Hell... Nothing better to do I guess it's time to suck it up and go make some money." He said out loud to himself as he approached a closet off to the left of his bed. Upon opening it he'd find his dented up, scratched armor, a black mesh tightsuit, his helmet, bracers and gun. He donned the Mesh suit first, then slid his shinguards and bracers onto his arms, they auto-tightened to his preferred size. He locked on his thigh-guards and clipped them together to his preferred size, slid on his chestguard and buckled it on each side. He then pulled out his black holster and fastened it onto his belt tightly before sliding in his pistol. Finally he pulled out his helmet and held it under his arm as he checked the database of his I.D. Scanner. Dronas Khal was the first name to pop up, the man from the bar. He had been shocked to see the actually bounty. Fifteen thousand credits, matched by the empire... That was thirty thousand alone. More than enough to get himself out of debt and get a ship to get off of this infernal planet. A nice ship. The second name was one that Adoniram wasn't even going to try to pronounce. Some Twi-Lek with a ten thousand credit bounty. (Every hunter for the next eight systems must be looking for these guys...) Adoniram thought. There was no way they got those kinds of bounties just for nothing, he'd have to be extra careful on this run but he had no time to waste, he ran for the door and hailed a cab. He payed two hundred credits in advance to get the taxi to speed up, within a half hour he'd be back at the Hole in the Wall.