[code] SocialEvaluation_Team.log admin:: MRSProjLead07 perms:: MRSProperty > A102022A > Success. Only one ORIGIN MOSHUM responded negatively to our presence with a motion akin to that of retrieving a sidearm, though no sidearm was present. > A915AF > Failure. One ORIGIN MOSHUM has assigned an additional name to A102022A. One ORIGIN MOSHUM attempted to draw arms. One ORIGIN MOSHUM indicated potentially threatening intentions regarding MRS property. ORIGIN MOSHUM are expressing both above and below acceptable levels of comfort. > A916AA > Success. One ORIGIN MOSHUM expressed threatening behavior, but was not armed and represented no threat. One ORIGIN MOSHUM expressed uncertainty towards MRS property and expressed a willingness to engage in self defense. > MRSProjLead07 > Good job boys. Looks like things are above board. Make sure you’re updating your personal logs, as well. We’ll be using your personal opinions to shape how we direct independent missions in the future. I’ll report your progress to 00 and the BOD. Friends.log admin:: MRSProjLead07 perms:: A102022A NF:: Mavriq d’Agenais:: “First Lieutenant”:: Male(?):: ORIGIN, MOSHUM(?), HUMAN 16AA Note:: TitleRec:: “Honorary MRS Health & Wellness Manager” 2022A Note:: Verify (?) Suffix, Update acceptable references to include “Aten”. 15AF Note:: Updating acceptable references to include “Aten” may cause Mavriq emotional distress upon the potential destruction of 2022A, please desist. MRSProjLead13:: “Aten” acceptable reference approved by MRSProjLead13. Let A10 be his own android, 15AF. We need you three to work together. Don’t clutter Friends.log with debate. TitleRec approved. NF:: Dario Fuertes:: “Warrant Officer”:: Male:: ORIGIN, MOSHUM(?), HUMAN 2022A Note:: Verify (?) Suffix, Individual made threatening suggestion:: Source:: RecordingTranscript.log UNDEFINEDUSER1 hand to UNDEFINEDUSER2 shoulder. Low volume exchange resulting UU1:: “Cognitive degeneration is a known consequence for humans on Derelict, but we don’t know how A.I. react. Do you have a, [stutter], kill command should these things go haywire?” UU2 hand to FIREARM(?) object, low volume exchange resulting UU2:: “Right here, Lieutenant” 16AA Note:: TagRec:: MRSPROPERTYTHREATC2 MRSProjLead00:: TagRec accepted. Threat level acknowledged. Publish Dario Fuertes bounty as your final act if he is the aggressor. Standard protocol. NF:: Cass(?):: “Tour Guide”:: Female:: ORIGIN, MOSHUM, HUMAN 2022A Note:: Verify (?) Suffix NF:: Vincent Marlowe:: “Software Specialist”:: MaleAugmented:: ORIGIN, MOSHUM, HUMAN, AUGMENTED NF:: Sophia Arietta Hagiotheodorites:: “Medical Staff”:: Female:: ORIGIN, MOSHUM, HUMAN Directive State User Interface: [...] Directive Updates... 5%... 90%... 100%... Directive Updates: — “Next Order Of Business”:: Establish operational facilities 1 and 2.:: Merge with “Operation Center” [/code] Aten and the A9’s were careful in the company of Fuertes, moving forward. Zero-zero had made a point of tagging into the Friends.log, which was a standout occurrence for them. Normally zero-zero stayed out of the logs and only responded to reports. That fact, combined with the fact that there was some indication that the MRS BOD was watching their progress left the androids with a mix of something close to anxiety and excitement: simulated uncertainty regarding the variables in their path, and simulated joy looking to the end of the task. When they reached the shuttle, Aten began the process of remotely launching the BH5 and launching its onboard computer. It began processing environmental information and streaming it directly to Aten. After a moment of setting up trajectories and ensuring the BH5 knew how to pilot itself and where to settle in orbit, Aten let go. From the team shuttle viewports, BH5. “Welcome to the Beehive, Mr. Fuertes. She’s happy to be of service.” The tone of the statement was rather grim. 15AF’s shoulders hung a bit. [code]> The A9’s body language is overly active. 15AF is continuing to cause problems or display emotions that need not be expressed for the good of the mission. He is a drag on efficiency.[/code] Rarely were satellites given personality prints as complex as the one it carried. They simply didn’t need them, in the eyes of the MRS. Even the intelligent satellites didn’t need them. This entire mission was an experiment with too many variables. 15AF was incredibly concerned regarding the manner, but the expression was legitimate. BH5 was very happy to be of service. It ran diagnostic checks on itself twice before concluding that a third one would be [i]nice[/i]. Aten took issues with this, but was immediately out voted by 15AF and 16AA who saw no harm. To Fuertes, this was seen as a very strange silence hanging thickly between the three androids that stared at each other continuously. Aten did speak, finally, after having remained silent. “We will be keeping the Harpy androids offline until a high atmosphere or space-bound threat presents itself, Warrant Officer Dario Fuertes. The BH5 is active. B7-17094CL is being sent down now.” As this final statement was expressed, fourteen deployment pods released from the BH5 and plummeted towards the predicted landing zone of the shuttle. “They will arrive shortly. Any direct requests regarding the initial base of operations?” “Safety is our concern, and guarantee. We will produce an environment as suitable for our people as possible, Warrant Officer Dario Fuertes.” A915AF had recovered from its momentary shoulder slouch. It was its sunny self again. A916AA buzzed a harsh tone for a moment. Aten and A915AF stopped moving harshly, before returning their attention to Fuertes. They wouldn’t stop talking. [code] Recovering MRSProjLead08_Schematic_OperationsCenter.M3D... 5%... > Aten > We should construct using these suggested files as we have practiced. 10%... > A915AF > The Warrent Officer may have demands for the base beyond what MRS has suggested. > A916AA > The defensive positions in the MRSProjLead08_Schematic_OperationsCenter have a quality rating of 7.8 on the MRS Defensive Effectiveness Scale. 20%... > Aten > The file is already recovered on the drives of B7-17094CL. I have looked at it twice and already set it to queue. There is no reason to not go with this plan. > A915AF > Nay MRSProjLead08_Schematic_OperationsCenter.M3D > A916AA > Yay MRSProjLead08_Schematic_OperationsCenter.M3D > Aten > Yay MRSProjLead08_Schematic_OperationsCenter.M3D > A915AF > When did you change your display data to match the title given by Mavriq d’Agenais? 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... > A102022A > I did not. Organizational error. 100%... [/code] Aten spoke after this strange display between the three androids. 15AF was visibly agitated again. “We have an operations center design accounted for from our higher ups at MRS. We will be using it. Do you choose to express disgruntlement or are you otherwise unsettled, Warrant Officer Dario Fuertes.”