[quote=@Fairy Tale Dreamer] Lol how will that work out though since she is trying to help Mathazar and want him for some strange odd reason lol Honestly I would laugh if he falls for Amy the pain in the butt older sister that is quote on quote more beautiful and seductive in her own way. [/quote] Well I was thinking he'd be the one to help her with her 'obsession' lol. Yeah, I should probably think a backstory up for Robynne sometime. As for Amy, that could work too! We could set it up for both and see what happens. I do think Hildebrand would find Amy attractive. [quote=@Fairy Tale Dreamer] Also love your new OC but I have no clue why but I can see her and Shadow getting together for some strange off reason *laughs* [/quote] Thanks! Maybe because they seem like they could be a somewhat gender-swapped EliezerXRaven?