[hider=Gabriel Angel Aguilar] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191110/dbf8fc68e482e25b47820c43cf550544.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/14/99/681499dd6b3059a64510d6cb80d95d35.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=6B8E23] N A M E[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent]Gabriel Angel Augilar [/indent][/color] [color=6B8E23] S E X [/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] Male[/indent][/color] [color=6B8E23] A G E [/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] 29[/indent][/color] [color=6B8E23] B I R T H P L A C E[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] Los Angeles, California[/indent][/color] [color=6B8E23] F O R M E R L I F E[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent]Security Guard[/indent] [indent][indent]A few strings were pulled by Gabriel's sister in order to get him a job as a security guard a few weeks after getting out of jail.[/indent][/indent][/color] [color=6B8E23] A P P E R A N C E [/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] Gabriel is a 5'11" slender man with little muscle mass to speak of. While he spent his time in jail working out when he could, it seemed like the five years of malnourishment took a toll on him. His tanned skin sports a few tattoos on his arms, chest, and back along with several scars scattered over his body. Gabriel's hair is black that he tends to keep in a loose bun or ponytail while at work and enjoys braiding it during fancier occasions. As fancy as you can get in an apocalypse. Gabriel likes to dress in comfortable clothes that include flannels, denim jackets, and jeans. He did win a pair of old combat boots once, but he keeps those for special occasions. It's clear that he continues to grasp the life he had before the world went to shit as he tries to simulate his old wardrobe and continues to tuck a cigarette in his ear- those babies are expensive now. [/indent] [/color] [color=6B8E23] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent]Gabriel had always been an easy-going guy. As a little boy, he cared very little of what people thought of him and it didn't change as he grew up. Gabriel just did what he pleased without thinking of the consequences. Impulse, poor decisions, and a shit ton of luck are what got him through high school- mostly. Gabriel always joked around and never took anything seriously. He could always find the most inappropriate things to say at the wrong time. He was a lazy teen that continued on to his adult life. His short time in jail as a convicted felon didn't change much in. While his carefree nature never really went away, Gabriel grew more cynical of people that he wrapped up in some nice packaged sarcasm and crude comments. Sure, he acted carefree and down to earth, but Gabriel always had something hidden away from the public eye. It never really went away once he was out. It only got worse when the zombies took over. Being cynical and suspicious of others didn't look like a bad thing now. Because of his irresponsible ways Gabriel has a hard time keeping a job around. His lack of motivation and responsibility results in poor choice making while at work. He doesn't seem to care as he had been able to get by just fine. Gabriel could be resourceful and useful when he needs to, but he just doesn't like to put much effort into it all of the time. When the situation arises Gabriel has shown interest in a few things here and there and has been seen to put his mind into certain projects. His sister is the most important person in the world and anything involved with her he puts his everything into it. He can't loose her and he won't ever. [/indent] [/color] [color=6B8E23] B I O[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent]Gabriel was born to a single mother. Gabriel was the middle child out of five. His mother was a hardworking woman that loved and cherished all of her children, while also struggling to stay away from the needle. Gabriel had a childhood similar to the other kids around him. Low-income household, living in a one room apartment. sleeping in the same bed with his other two brothers. It was nothing out of the ordinary in his neighborhood. They may have been poor but all of the siblings loved each other and their mother. As he grew older, Gabriel just drifted along with life. He had no desire to pursue higher education. The only reason he finished high school was to make his mother proud of him and get some attention from her for just a day. After that, he just continued to drift. He got a job right out of high school in a grocery store just five minutes away from his house. Like his older siblings, he worked helped pay the rent and continued to do the same day after day. His younger siblings, Ana and Jose, were encouraged by the other three to pursue bigger dreams. Gabriel never held any sort of resentment for his younger siblings, though he was a bit envious of their opportunities. Nevertheless, Gabriel supported and helped pay their tuition. Life seemed to be going at a normal pace when Gabriel turned 22. Just two days after his birthday he was convicted of unintentional manslaughter. It was an accident, Gabriel's lawyer claimed. She had argued that Gabriel was caught in the heat or the moment, the drunk man kept harassing Gabriel and he just struck him with the bottle- Gabriel was convicted to four years but got out early after two years with parole. Shortly after Gabriel just continued with life as it had never happened. His siblings never acted the same around him, even Ana. Not too long after all hell broke around him. Being a convicted felon wasn't worry after that. Gabriel took Ana and left work as soon as the news broke out. They picked up their youngest brother, Jose, and left the city in Gabriel's old pickup. They had no time to get Maria or Eduardo and their mother wouldn't pick up their phone calls. They just drifted. They made their way out of California up to Nevada then across the country to more rural areas of the country. The three siblings scavanged for anything and tried to stick together. Just a year after they had escaped the anarchy that had been California Jose was killed by a band of bandits by the border of South Dakota. He had been trying to trade some ammo for food but the little town had been attacked by bandits just when a deal was about to be made. Jose was caught in the crossfire. When Gabriel and Ana arrived at Wolfwater Ana was quick to integrate and make herself useful to the people. Unlike her brother, she was a hardworking woman who wanted to do anything and everything to help. Gabriel just wandered around the settlement and did what he had to do to survive. Both of them live together for now, but Ana has been seeing some guy who works in the farms and it looks like Gabriel is going to loose his little sister some time soon. [/indent] [/color] [color=6B8E23] G E A R[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] [/indent] [/color] [List] [*]Makeshift Axe - Gabriel crafted an axe out of a bike's crankset and a broken pool pole. [*]Hiking Rope - Found it in a sports shop and has been using it for pretty much anything. [*]Rifle - An old MWII rifle, Gabriel strapped a knife at the front of the old thing. [*]Bagpack - Contains emergency food, clothes, purifier, and a flashlight. [*]Pack of cigarettes - He has an addiction. [*]Uno Cards - Best way to make quick enemies [*] [/list] [color=6B8E23] S K I L L S[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] [/indent] [/color] [color=6B8E23] F L A W S[/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] [/indent] [/color] [color=6B8E23] O T H E R [/color] [color=C0C0C0][indent] [/indent] [/color] [/hider]