[quote=@Crimson Raven] Its not contact, its submersion. Ie Rain doesn't do it, reaching into water doesn't do it, if someone sprayed them with a hose it still wouldn't do it. [/quote] [quote=@NachoBachoPacho] Can confirm that it is, in fact, submersion. Which is why Devil Fruit users can take showers (though not baths, as those would have them submerged), and keep going while its' raining. [/quote] Guys, I looked this this up on the wiki yesterday; I'm confident about this. It's [i]standing[/i] water, i.e still water, that has an effect, not running/moving water; shower/rain/having a wave wash over you is fine but any amount of standing water will have an effect. Being 50% submerged is when a Devil Fruit user starts to lose strength and collapse but any amount of standing water will cause them to lose their powers.