[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/fe26b0981e09a4edad44cc4f599591b6.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/83/35/eb8335feec1a8a7c4571ec5da147ee5b.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/42/a2/fa42a2acc39d2be3883d79ae3ebac601.png[/img] [/center] [color=lightgray]"I still can't believe you were actually invited,"[/color] Elias, Crowned Prince of Luxembourg, said to his younger brother, Prince Christian Henri. Elias was two years, five months, and ten days older than Christian- or Henri as he has requested to be called now. The Crowned Prince had what he called a complicated relationship with his younger brother. While Elias took pride and honor to be the eldest son, the heir, and the favorite, he was stilling missing something that only his younger brother had; the ability to be something else than just another royal in the world. Elias dealt trades, took parts in public hearings, diplomatic talks, and all sorts of political events while Henri was off doing whatever he pleased while the future king attended to his duties. No matter what he did, Henri always seemed unfazed and indifferent to every situation. That was, of course, until the betrothal of Henri's dear friend, Raiden, was announced. Elias had been there when it had been broadcast on the television. He had been there to see Henri's usual distant eyes focus and narrow of the news reporter from Xi'n deliver the great news of their Crowned Prince. It was a truly delightful sight, really! Those scrawny fingers ball up, and those empty eyes glare daggers into the television as if he could just turn it off by looking at it. Elias had had his suspicions about his younger brother for a while now, but now he was sure about it. [color=lightgray]"Do you think Prince Raiden will be there? I do love talking to the man. He is skilled in the piano, much like I am."[/color] Elias continued after a second- pale eyes staring at Henri's unmoving figure. They sat next to each other in a Rolls Royce that had been provided by them. Their driver, a woman with bright colored hair and gentle eyes, glanced back just briefly. Elias noticed this and shot the woman a glare before turning to his younger brother. [color=lightgray]"I wonder if he plays for her, Princess Beatrice I mean. I do hope. Must be wonderful to be betrothed to someone so beautiful."[/color] Elias pulled out his phone from the inside of striking white his blazer. After a second, he pulled up a photo of the newly betrothed pair and leaned over to put it in front of Henri's unfazed face. [color=lightgray]"They make a nice couple, they'll have the most beautiful children. I can see it now. Raiden is a lucky guy, I tell you."[/color] [color=8FBC8F]"Yes, lucky."[/color] Henri's first words in a while brought a sly smile to his older brother's face. The younger brother had been sitting still for almost thirty minutes as their car made their way to the grand Aciran castle, where the Welcoming Ball would be held for the evening. Aciras was warmer that Luxembourg during this time of the year, which had prompted the younger prince to wear fewer layers than he was accustomed to. It also meant there was nowhere to shove his hands and claw at his palms as he listened to the words of the Crowned Prince of Luxembourg. [color=lightgray]"I do hope we get to see the lovely couple tonight. We should congratulate them on their engagement. They'll probably say the same thing about your own lovely engagement with Princess Fareeha."[/color] Elias had put his phone away with a small laugh. Ah yes, the engagement Elias had forced on Henri. It had happened just weeks after Raiden's. Elias had somehow convinced their parents that it would be good for the younger prince of Luxembourg to wed a Crowned Princess thousand of miles away. Henri knew that Elias was the most compatible with the marriage with the foreign princess, but somehow, he had managed to convince their father that Henri should be the one to marry her. [color=8FBC8F]"I doubt we will see them, Prince Raiden and Princess Beatrice will have enough on their hands planning their wedding to pay attention to us. We are but a small kingdom, brother. Xi'n and Königreich der Welten are much too important for a Crowned Prince of a kingdom who is only known for its landscapes and art."[/color] Henri didn't have to look at Elias to see his older brother's spiteful glare. Elias prided himself too much on being a prince but never worked to further his own kingdom. He simply lived to be the same as all of the kings before him, much like every other king would after Elias was gone. Pride. Ego. Henri knew his brother too well. For the remainder of the ride, Elias stayed quiet. It left Henri alone with his thoughts while the busy streets of the Aciran capital. Outside, he could see the oranges, purples, and blues of the sky tinted by the dark window that separated him from the outside world. Aciras was a lively country with well-rounded connections, resources, and an economy to boom. Unlike Luxembourg, it was a growing kingdom ruled by growing royals that sought for the future and not longed for the past. There was no stopping it. Luxembourg was a small country with minimal connections to other kingdoms. Henri's marriage to Princess Fareeha had not only been a move by Elias to torture him further but to secure a powerful ally. The only question was, why had Elias not been the one to be married to the Princess of Mamlakat Asslahra? It didn't matter now. Henri was only going forward with this farce until Raiden knew what he had felt. The second his betrothal to Fareeha had been made public; his phone had rung, and Raiden's face had popped up. Henri hadn't spoken to Raiden since his own betrothal had been made public. The man had ignored Henri's calls and texts up until Henri was set to marry a woman he had only met during diplomatic talks. The whole situation had been ridiculous. Both men had handled everything like children, but it was far too gone now. Henri loved Raiden, he truly did. Loved him through the lies and the half-truths he had given him. Henri knew that Raiden had only meant well and was only trying to find a way out before it had been announced, at least that is what Henri had convinced himself of. Both of them ended up hurt: not just them, but their friends too- those who knew about them. Leo had been furious at Raiden from the start, which only fueled Ryn to lash back at her with the same anger. Unlike Leo, Ryn knew something. Henri could feel it and hear it in her voice- yet she never mentioned or explained anything to him. It was like he was in the dark, and the celebrations of Princess Vivian of Aciras just seemed like the culmination of what these past weeks were to be leading up. He truly wished to avoid Raiden or his betrothed during tonight's welcoming ball, and that would near impossible. It was easy to spot the Crowned Prince of Xi'n through the seas of people anywhere. Just thinking about bumping into the man made Henri's heart skip a beat and his head spin. It was horrible. Henri did hope to at least settle things between them and come to a closure. It almost sounded like Henri just wanted to move on with his life and finally accept that he'd forever be his family's puppet. Just be a grown man and come to terms with his situation as Raiden had. Acting like a grown man was something his older brother did not know the concept of as Elias practically glued his face against the window of the car as they rolled up the entrance of the grand Aciras Castle. The castle towers loomed over Henri, and suddenly he was five all over again staring up at the towers of his own home. Henri felt lost and out of place. There was no wind, but he could see the trees around the entrance to the castle rustle and dance in silence. Everything came back, snapping into place around him as the door was opened for the two Princes of Luxembourg. The warm hair slapped Henri's face with the reality of his current situation. Elias was the first one out of the car. It looked like Henri's snarky comment had been forgotten inside the vehicle, and now he stood up tall and proud with his chin high up. Unlike Henri, Elias was a man of luxury and expensive tastes. He basketed in the attention of others, be it good or bad. Elias had been dressed by one of France's top designers that Henri hadn't bothered to remember. The white blazer trimmed with gold and royal blue looked good on Elias, he looked like he belonged in the scene of the Aciras Welcome Ball. On the other hand, Henri had chosen to keep his outfit on the download to attract less attention. A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/98/fd/6d/98fd6dc5a10e9bf36c6c4de7bc96dcfa.jpg] dark gray suit[/url] with a black vest, and a pop of red in his tie and handkerchief. While Henri had no intention of bringing attention to himself, he wouldn't dress down because of it. After the formalities of tedious royal protocols, their brief introduction, and a warmed welcome, the two brothers were finally allowed into the ballroom. Beautiful and intricate decorations greeted them. It was apparent the Aciran court had taken their time to make everything look perfect and in order- something that Henri could easily appreciate. Although he did marvel at the beauty of the ballroom, his eyes scanned his vicinity for any signs of a tall man with long black hair and neatly groomed beard. When there were no signs of Raiden, or his betrothed, Henri's shoulders fell just the slightest in relief and what felt disappointment. [color=lightgray]"What? Your friend isn't here yet, is he? He's probably going to get here with his fiancee."[/color] Elias turned his head towards the smaller brother and looked him over. [color=lightgray]"I'll leave you alone now; everyone knows how fun you are in these events."[/color] With a roll of his eyes, Elias left Henri standing awkwardly near the entrance of the ballroom. Henri watched his older brother make his way to one of the servants holding a tray of champagne glasses before looking back at the marvelous room he had been left alone to wonder. [color=8FBC8F]"I just got here, and I already need a smoke."[/color] Henri made his way around the ballroom looking for a place to get away for a second, but only ended up spotting the princes from Austerund and a few others he wasn't very friendly with. All Henri could do now was stand in a corner with a full glass of champagne in one hand, the other on his phone and hoped that no one would come up to him for the rest of the night.