[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/8ih7nopgh/2839c44382003e9256bef6b48c73e9b8.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@eclecticwitch] [@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][/center][hr][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/ae782c03c7f3c596982735e48da41331/tumblr_pvcqxayNNr1saw731o3_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191029/0c515c2f9a9841f6f28a7915a475fc83.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Pietro more or less had fallen silent, more or less having a mental breakdown or something, but at least he wasn't racing around, causing a cyclone again or whatever. Though he didn't really respond to Guin at all, however she'd know that he was thinking about everything that had been going on, and what it is that he just did. His mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour, and he didn't seem to be calming down anytime soon. [color=yellow]"You have to abide by the laws of Earth while you are here Runa, even if they aren't the laws that you are used to... You still have to follow them."[/color] Lance told her, shaking his head slightly at her, before turning to look at the others. [color=yellow]"I do recommend the whole, leaving fairly soon thing, since who knows how many people they'll send after us..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"She's not going anywhere really anytime soon from what I can tell from that injury at a glance,"[/color] Sapphire said, looking over at Niah. [color=57A2EC]"There is a first aid kit in a cabinet over there,"[/color] Sue said, pointing towards one of the large cabinets in the room that hadn't been damaged or knocked over luckily. Meanwhile, Niah would start to feel really dizzy, despite her attempts to slow down the bleeding. Sapphire instantly went over to it, pulling out the kit and going over to Niah. [color=A4FFFC]"Alright, hold still so I can see, I didn't get a medical degree for nothing it would seem. Though if you move It'll make things more difficult, actually you know what? Lie down on that couch over there,"[/color] she said, before dragging Niah towards a couch and forcing her to lay down. [color=A4FFFC]"Let's see how bad this thing is then shall we?"[/color] With that, she moved Niah's shirt somewhat in order to look at the injury. There was a few good things about Sapphire having a bit of a cold personality, she had one hell of a poker face, so she wasn't showing any sort of reaction really towards Niah's injury, all she said was, [color=A4FFFC]"Sadly I've seen worse. Anyone in here blood type O-? It's the universal donor, helping to take into account if she also is a blood type O-. So, any volunteers or whatever? Since I know for a fact that I'm not."[/color] [color=57A2EC]"I am, but I can't be a blood donor. However, Johnny is the same blood type as me, he can act as a donor for her. Do you need one?"[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Would I have asked that question if I didn't? Alright, so she's not really going to be able to head off to Stark Tower, but I can head back to the base with her, as well as with the Torch over there, so that we can fix her injury until the guy with healing powers shows up again."[/color] [color=yellow]"Runa... Think you can send them through a portal back to the HQ and then open one up so that we can head to Stark Tower?"[/color] Lance asked her. Johnny had let out a bit of a sigh when it was revealed he was going to be the walking blood bag or something and walked over. [color=B79659]"Alright, so how are we doing this?"[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Give me a moment, warning Bautista, this is going to hurt a bit,"[/color] Sapphire said, before she prepared a needle and thread, put some gloves on, and grabbed some gauze bandages and what looked like tweezers. [color=A4FFFC]"Remember, I need you to stay as still as possible,"[/color] she said calmly, before she went and removed the bullet. Pain would shoot through Niah, but it thankfully would be gone a second later as Sapphire stitched up the injury for her. [color=A4FFFC]"Alright, we have two options for this, one is that we hook up the transfusion and you end up getting carried by the Human Torch with someone nearby to make sure he for some reason doesn't collapse. Or someone else carries you and we make sure that you and Johnny aren't too far apart so that the transfusion doesn't come undone. I'd normally suggest you both lie down and don't move for a while, but time is a luxury that we don't have."[/color] [color=B79659]"I can carry her, just set up the transfusion or whatever,"[/color] he responded simply. Sapphire shrugged slightly, before she pulled out the necessary equipment and got a direct transfusion going. With that, Johnny easily picked Niah up off the couch. [color=A4FFFC]"If you can open a portal up, that would be amazing. You guys can go off to Stark Tower, anyone who wants to come with us can, we'll make sure she's back on her feet fairly quickly, don't worry about it."[/color] [color=yellow]"...I think either someone needs to give Pietro his memory back rather quickly, and hopefully he doesn't run off this time, or he needs to go back to the base or whatever since I think he probably needs to see a shrink at this point..."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191029/9a4fb3ac730db096d7411ea8d2b7a152.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Mary blinked her eyes, looking a bit confused, before she shook her head slightly. [color=007236]"Alright, now what the hell is going on, who screwed with the world?"[/color] she said instantly, and as opposed to a slight Cajun accent to her words, now there was a hint of a German one in it's place. [color=007236]"You all want to talk with Remy and Rogue? They're downstairs right now, follow me though if you want to, actually I'd recommend it. Since let's be honest, what are the odds he'd believe me if I walked down there and just said, oh by the way, someone screwed up the world we need to fix it. They probably wouldn't."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Just lead us to the swamp rat already kid,"[/color] Wolverine grunted, and Mary nodded her head, before she quickly leaned in to Maria to respond to what she had said. [color=007236]"Next time we have a chance, but right now we've got bigger things to worry about then whatever it is you think we need to discuss,"[/color] she said to her, before she lead the way to what looked to be a back room. Opening the door up, she lead them down a staircase that brought them to the main headquarters to the New Orleans Thieves' Guild. Gambit and Rogue were in the meeting room off to the side, probably plotting the Guild's next heist, and Mary sort of tapped on the door before walking inside. [color=007236]"Hey Remy, we need to talk about something aside from the slight amount of chaos that Chrysi caused upstairs,"[/color] she said, walking over. [color=A41E45]"....Chère, tell me ya ain't joinin' the Aryan youth."[/color] [color=007236]"What the hell are you talking about?"[/color] [color=A41E45]"Ya voice mon amie."[/color] [color=007236]"Oh... It's nothing..."[/color] Mary said, before glancing over her shoulder slightly at the others. She figured that Maria would use her abilities to fix their memories to make things a bit easier so that she wasn't going to sound crazy. Though in reality she knew that she really was crazy. Back out in the main room, Jack looked over at Max after he had gotten rid of his shirt that had been lit on fire, and chuckled a little bit. [color=9C00FF]"Guess that's one way to get someone shirtless, but I would suggest next time try to make it a little less possibly painful okay? And yes Casper, I could use another shirt,"[/color] he said, adding the last part towards his brother. [color=FF17F2]"Perhaps I can help you out with that,"[/color] Klara's voice called out, before she used her own magic to create a shirt for Jack, and walked over handing it to him. She had a mug of beer in her hand as she looked around at the group, [color=FF17F2]"You Midgardians certainly are strange, though I do appreciate that beer seems to be a universal drink.[/color] Jack took the shirt from her, looking a bit strangely at Klara, before he pulled the shirt on. [color=9C00FF]"Uh... Thanks? Mind telling me who the hell are you?"[/color] [color=FF17F2]"Oh, sorry about that, my name is Klara."[/color] [color=9C00FF]"Uh... Okay then... Guessing you came with Max and James then?"[/color] [color=FF17F2]"Yup, anyway in this reality I'm Midgardian which no offense is horrid... In the real world though, my name is Klara, daughter of Thor and Goddess of Love."[/color] [color=9C00FF]"Cool... So anyway we should probably catch up with the other people in your group, looks like they headed downstairs to the main base area... And uh, Ana? I guess you can come along too... Look Max, I know you might not trust her, but right now we probably need all the help we can get in order to fix things."[/color] [color=FF17F2]"I concur, so as I was saying, I suggest we follow the others,"[/color] she continued, taking a swig of her mug, before heading off towards the area that the other group had gone.