[h1][center]Team One- Bank Team[/center][/h1] The bank team set down on a landing platform not far from one of the better intergalactic banks. The language they wrote in here was different than anything they were used to, but some of them had been spending time studying what they could. After all the instructions for their hyperdrive had come in the language, and if they wanted to blend in they found the need to learn it. The squad, The Resurgence had sent with him were acting very much like their escort, so they tried to act like rich tourists with their noses cutting the air, as they strode into the bank. Two of them went to sit on the benches, while one strode to the counter to open a shell bank account. The information they gave was fake, something sent to them by their teams that infiltrated the gangs in the mists. It went through without a problem, and that was one of the first hitches they got over. The account was attached to a dummy corporation that could be tracked back to one of the ports in the Hapan. They'd funnel the credits into their actual account, and then split it into account amongst the fleet while the other two tried to access datapads, and noted security in the bank. The credit chips they handed out could have as much credits as the banks were willing to recognize, so all it took was getting one then making the banks think it was worth more than it actually was, or siphon it from other accounts. In this case they would do the latter for now, siphoning from the bank directly testing their security, against the usage of some of the best hackers with omni-tools the alliance could muster onto a warship. It might take hours, or days but they could start here at the bank, and work from the ship. Their security systems were oddly archaic, but also advanced. Just like some of their holotechnology, felt outdated. But given time their systems would yield, or they'd have to resort to infiltrating the bank, and doing it the hard way. [hr] [h1][center]Team Two - Jedi temple team [/center][/h1] They might have not of gone on the jumper, but the two operatives made their way to the groups landing zone without triggering any alarms. Sarah sat, and waited while Imura went ahead to take a good overwatch position to snipe whatever guards they had put at the entrance. Soon enough his voice sounded over the radio. "In position. Let me know when our enemy needs to sprout some new holes." Sarah chuckled. "Copy that, waiting for the jumper team to get moving now." She said, all that was required of them was to wait.