“So, most of your people fly?” Asked, this was an interesting fact. “Well, town is about..” he said, then went and pulled a map from the bookshelf and unrolled it. “here and we are here, that would mean you could fly to town in under a minute. It also means that what ever hurt you flies faster than you or hunts in a pack.” He sat back down. “If your map kind of looks like this one, he will figure it out. All of the school children of merchants, nobles, and town folk have some ability with maps,” he said calmly. “So, we need to get to him early in the morning.” That meant leaving in the early hours of the morning for him. When the metal and ore got to temperature, he took some different sized sticks and had her hold them in her hand till one fit perfectly. “You will need a knife to defend yourself, flying away may start that war we want to avoid,” he said. “I will need to pack some things and head for town a couple hours after midnight. I’d like to catch my old mentor asleep,” he winked. Then he said, “Eat a little more, change the bandages in case you need to fly and sleep for a while.” He got up and headed to the blast oven, pulled out some casts to pour the hot metal into. He threw some more coal in the oven and put two smaller crucibles one with gold ore and other with silver. He would make a couple knives with virgin silver and gold inlaid, just in case the stories were true. Silver was suppose to hurt the wee folk and maybe his guests kind too. He wanted her to be safe. When it was about time to leave, he cleaned up dressed in a black cloak with a grey liner. Nice dark clothes, black boots, his short sword in hand, he held out two daggers that he sharpened on a large stone for her. He had one strapped to each of his arms, and one in his belt, and an old knife in his boots. His horse was saddled, the bit and bridled darker not to reflect light, he also had a traveling cloak, a dress, pants, and a blouse, and soft leather boots set on the table.