[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191025/b775f0ba0483060c7cb2b54cafacaf7b.png[/img] [color=yellow]MENTIONS:[/color] [@Ambra][/Center] [hr] Donny paused momentarily, observing Jules atop her horse. So she was in the race? This was, in a sense, unfortunate: She had helped him, after all. It was a shame she'd have to be left in the dust during the race. [color=yellow]"That so?"[/color] He questioned, strolling straight past her: Approaching a horse tied to a post nearby. The fight was a good example of why he hadn't wanted to leave the mare near the saloon; shit tended to get out of hand in places like that. She was much safer at a distance. The mare, O'Riley, had a number on her: 0891. Nothing of particular interest to Donny, he didn't care what number he had. The main objective was winning; he could worry about silly things as bad numbers and 'misfortune' another day. Untying her from the post, He sprung up onto the horse without issue; Though his legs were still a [i]little[/i] shaky. [color=yellow][i]"Thatta girl."[/i][/color] Donny spoke as he distracted himself with patting O'Riley for a moment, seeming to show care of his steed. While they hadn't spent an overly long time together, he was fond of the horse and her attitude. Seeing her bravado was occasionally noteworthy for Donny, except when the dumbass decided to get herself into trouble.