Riza giggled a little then grabbing both feet and stay like this for ten seconds as well. She then let go and laid down on her back to stretch her back and relax. "I'm pretty much done if we want to go. Just need to change and shower." She told Robin. She sat up, though looked at her legs before deciding to try and stand on her own. Bringing her legs in, she took her left legs to use and support and a lift, and her other to push her up. She then tried this pushing herself forward which seemed a success till she stumbled to get herfooting but caught herself. She little to Robin with a goofy grin. Clarke wondered that too as they walked to the grandfather clock. "It would not surprise me since he didn't seem to have slept which would make things worse. It sounds like he needs to go to a hospital. If he's getting worse there isnt much we can do but have a doctor help him." Clarke suggested.